100 to 0 Real Quick

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 I sighed. We were finally walking out of Hot Topic after waiting 30 minutes for Leo to try on all the new Minion t-shirts. After Cath and I had threatened to leave without him, he'd decided to buy all 10.

"I am never going shopping with you again," huffed Cath as made our way to the food court. We all dodged a group of stoners from the high school as they skateboarded down the walkway, probably heading to Zumiez.

"Oh whatever," said Leo as we gathered together again. "You know every time you walk into Ulta you spend like five-ever trying to find new products to take care of your little extensions-"

"Shut UP!" she hissed, looking around to make sure no one heard him.

"You're white anyway," laughed Leo. I noticed he made no effort to lower his  voice. "Why do you even wear them?"

"Because waist length hair doesn't just grow in a day, and real hair is awful to take care of." she whispered, fixing her natural blonde hair over the equally blonde extensions.

"Hey, watch it. I happen to love natural long hair," I fake pouted and flipped my thick, wavy dark brown locks over my shoulder. It was nearly at my waist after years of careful grooming.

"Yeah watch it, Diva." Leo pushed past both of us and sashayed to the nearest round table in the food court. He plopped down and started texting on his phone, tilting his head side to side and literally LOL-ing. Shallow was probably to subtle of a word to describe Leo at times.  After a moment of staring, we joined him.

"I'm gonna kill him," Cath mumbled, more to herself than to me. I grinned.

"So," she asked. "Seen Colton around yet?"

I shook my head, doing a quick scan of the court to see if maybe he and his friends were grabbing dinner too. I'd only seen him once since the parking lot, just before Leo had shoved us into Hot Topic, I had spotted him entering the sporting goods store just down the walkway.  But that was a while ago. He very well could have gone home by now. I looked back to Cath.

"So are we getting pizza or Teriyaki?" I suggested.

"I'm feeling like Teriyaki, what about you?" I heard a deep voice ask from behind me. I turned, reaaallly hoping my guess was right.

"Hey," Colton winked at me and grinned. Is it possible for someone's heart to beat at 200 miles per hour? It is now.

"Hi," I grinned, blushing. I didn't attempt to hide it. Colton nodded a polite hello to Cath and Leo, and I noticed that his cheeks had acquired a pinkish tint as well when he looked back at me.

"Can I buy you dinner?" he asked.

"Sounds good," I said.

As Colton stood up and flipped his hair out of his eyes in a quick head shake, he held out his hand to me. I took it, and felt my heart leap.

"You guys wanna come?" he asked to Cath, Leo, and the table of football players that had sat at his table. Everyone exchanged knowing looks and politely declined, getting up to go to a different vender. Except Leo.

"Yeah sure!" he exclaimed, leaping up and joining us. Cath grabbed his collar and pulled him backwards with her, shaking her head with annoyance.

Colton grinned shyly and pulled me close behind him as he lead me to the Japanese restaurant corner. As we stood in line, he never let go of my hand as we discussed the menu.

"I was wondering something," Colton began as we neared the front of the line to order.

"Yeah?" I asked.

He kept my hand close to his side and looked at me, his eyes traveling slowly over my face again. I looked back, curious for his question.

"Well, I-"

"OMGOSH!" he was cut of by a feminine scream from behind me. We both turned to look for the source of the sound.

My stomach turned over again, but not in a good way.

Courtney Wilson-Bailey (a.k.a Colton's ex girlfriend) was storming towards us.

And she did not look happy.

Miracle Girl [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now