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Cas: dean can we get a cat

Dean: cas you've asked me already.

Cas: yes I know...but I just really think Theyre cute. Can I please get one?

Dean: cas I've told you a million times no! You know It would be too much to take care of.

Cas: okay...sorry for bothering you.

Dean: youre not bothering me.

Cas: you just seem bothered whenever I ask for something, like last week when I asked of we could take home a puppy for a little while.

Dean: cas, you asked if we could take home 8 puppies. I dont want to sound all Soft but Im just looking out for you, 8 puppies would be too much to handle.

Cas: but not one kitten, right?

Dean: fine. You can have a kitten.

Cas: thank you dean! It glad you said I could have one because I've had one for about 4 days now. Its name is Hildegard.


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