21 ; baby

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Cas: Dean. I have to talk to you about something serious.

Dean: ok shoot.

Cas: ok. have you ever wanted a baby?

Dean: yes absolutely. Why are you asking? Do you want one?

Cas: actually, yea a lot. An opportunity has presented itself that is just so amazing and I can't pass it up. There's this little baby who's up for adoption, her name is Annalise. She's only 2 months old. Dean, I know this is so much to ask, And even think about doing. But I think we're ready and you'd be a wonderful father. You'd have a little girl.

Dean: wow. Cas. Are you sure?

Cas: I'm positive. I've already been talking to someone at the adoption center about it and she thinks we're qualified. Dean, I'm not pressuring you to do anything, it's just a thought.

Dean: I wanna do it. I wanna have a little girl.

Cas: really? Dean are you serious??

Dean: yes. I'm serious. I'm so exited about this

Cas: oh my god, we're gonna be parents! This is amazing! I love you so much

Dean: I love you too.

A/n: there's gonna be a pt 2 bc I can't just leave y'all hangin like that.

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