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Dean: hey cas you there?

*read 6:15 PM*

Dean: cas?

*read 6:20 pm*

Dean: cas. What'd I do.

Cas: you don't remember? You stayed out all night last night and came home drunk. You wrecked the living room which I just had cleaned, and destroyed the kitchen. So yea im kinda mad Dean.

Dean: I'm sorry cas. You know I didn't mean it. I'll clean it all if you'd let me.

Cas: oh I already cleaned it all for the second time in 24 hours. And also the kitchen.

Dean: you didn't have to do that, you could have just asked me to clean it.

Cas: do you even know where anything goes?

Dean: ok you got me there. Tell you what, lets go out tonight. How bout a drive in movie?

Cas: dean.

Dean: cmon cas.

Cas: fine.

Dean: I knew you'd come around. Be ready at 7:00!

A/N: Hi guys! Thanks for all the love for this story. I might even start including one shots and some fluff too. I've never done those but I have some ideas. -sus

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