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Sorry if I break your heart I love you so much sorry x27262251

Dean: hey Cas I'm gonna go out for some milk and other stuff I'll be back in a minute. You'll probably be asleep by the time I get back so goodnight sweet dreams love.

Cas: ok goodnight I love you.

Cas: oh and please be safe!! There are lots of people drunk driving at this time of night.

Dean: I will, don't worry.

Cas: dean I just woke up to check on the baby and you aren't home where are you??

Cas: oh god Sam just called me. Please be okay. I'm coming to the hospital with Annalise. Hang in there for us. Please dean. 

Cas: its been a week since you passed. We miss you. All of us. Annalise is constantly asking where's daddy? And I don't know how to tell her. I answer with hes on a hunt baby, he'll be home soon. I can't keep lying to her. But how can I tell a 2 year old her dad is gone forever?

Cas: hi baby. It's been a year since you died. Annalise is 3 now, and she knows you're gone. I didn't have to tell her. She drew something one day and it was of me you and her holding hands on a hillside. There was an halo on top of my head and one on yours. I asked her why she put one on you and she said because daddy has angel wings now so he needs a halo too. I didn't know what to say. It still doesn't feel real.

Cas: I miss you so much. I've been in denial for so long hoping you'll come back but I know you won't. Annalise is going into kindergarten now and you're not here to see it. All you ever wanted was to see her grow up and for us to be a happy family. I love you so much. I will never stop loving you even though the circumstances.
- Cas.

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