22 ; baby

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Cas: remember, wake up early tomorrow so we can get ready to go see Annalise. I don't want to be late like we always are.

Dean: I'll set my alarm for 7:00, I don't wanna be late either. This could be the biggest day of our lives.

Cas: I know. I'm so nervous, will she even like us?

Dean: of course she'll like us, Cas. What's not to love about you?

Cas: I know I'm overthinking...but are you sure you wanna do this? Are we really ready?

Dean: Cas. You said it yourself. We are ready. You are gonna be an amazing parent. Everyone you meet loves you from the moment they see you. And even though Annalise is two months old and obviously can't talk yet, I know she'll love you because you're Cas. amazing, kindhearted, selfless, loving, Cas. you're everything a good parent should be.

Cas: thank you Dean. I love you so much.

Dean: I know

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