Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I walked inside and yelled, "Mom, I'm home!" No reply. "Mom?" Nothing. "Great", I whispered.

I walked to the kitchen to get a drink and saw a note on the magnetic notepad on the refrigerator.

"Louisa, I got called into work. Will be back Saturday. Money is in the usual place. No people over, besides Janet if you want. Sorry for the late notice. Love, Mom"

Saturday? It was Wednesday. My mom only works on call and her job location is 2 hours away. She only stays the night when she has to be there in the morning the day after. I liked the alone time, but it also worried me having to be in a house by myself for days at a time. Sometimes it was only one night, sometimes not even a full night, and sometimes it was multiple days. I'm not exactly sure what she does, but it's some kind of nursing job? Maybe doctor? It's at a hospital I know for sure, and I know she makes a decent amount of money working there.

I drove myself to McDonald's when I got hungry and came back and sat and watched Netflix movies until my mom called around 9, like she did every time she was away.

"Hi mom.", I said into the phone, taking a drink of my tea.

"Hey Lou, what're you doing?"

"Watching a movie with McDonald's."

"Did you do your homework?", she asked. Her typical question.

"Yes mom." No I didn't.

"Lou...", she prolonged my name.

"Mom, I did!"

"If you say so. Okay, don't forget to wake up on time tomorrow."

"I won't, I set my alarms and I've only overslept once.", I reminded her.

"I know babe. Alright I have to get to sleep, and you should too. Goodnight."

"I will, don't worry. Night mom, love you."

"Love you too."

I hung up the phone and continued my movie. What movie was it? I don't remember, but I continued it anyways.

I went to bed after it was over. I laid there and laid there. I turned my TV on and Friends was on. Before I knew it, it was 2am. My insomnia has taken me over once again. I hated this. I barely slept. About 3 hours a night on weekdays and 5-6 on weekends. It was basically torture. Staying up all night, not even being able to attempt to sleep and having to stay up all day at school, forcing yourself to listen to bullshit lessons that you don't care about. The only thing you can think of is going to sleep that night, even though you know it won't happen. It's just one big continuous cycle. I opened the drawer on my table by my bed and got out my sleeping pills, and took 2 with the water I always brought in my room before going to bed. Eventually I got to sleep by 4.


I stood in front of my locker for a couple seconds before Zayn came to his. He stood next to me and chuckled, "What're you doing? Staring?"

I closed my eyes for a second and opened them, then starting my combination. "I just forgot my combination for a minute. I got it now."

"You look tired.", he said getting a book out of his locker.

"That's because I am."

He turned his head to look right at my face. "No, like really tired. Did you even sleep? What time did you go to bed?"

"Like 12, I'm just tired, okay?", I lied, still not looking at him.

"Anyways, what I was going to ask you after school yesterday was that—" He was cut off by Janet coming to my locker.

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