Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

By Thursday I had only slept 4 hours and was begging to stay home, but my mom wasn't having it. She made me go again and it's safe to say I was way past exhausted. My eyelids got in the way of my vision the entire day and Zayn laughed at me insisting that I looked high. Janet said nothing because she knew what was happening. I talked with Zayn and Janet everyday but they hardly talked to each other, but that's how I liked it.

It was raining and me and Zayn stood at our lockers inside talking. I looked over at Lilly and glared.

"Why do you hate her again?", he asked.

"She hates me, so I hate her."

"What did you do?"

"I don't know. I think it has to do with like I always got better grades than her and one time she liked this boy, and so did I, but he liked me and not her. He kissed me on the playground in 6th grade and ever since then, I was her main victim. I mean, besides the fact that she's a bitch anyways. And that boy doesn't even go here anymore, he moved in 8th grade. It's petty little things she hates me for really."

He just smiled and started laughing. "That is so dumb."

"Don't you think? I've thought that for years. She's an idiot.", I smiled. "Everyone thinks she's so cool when really she's pretty stupid."

"I'd say so."

We walked to the front doors and Zayn sighed, knowing he had to walk home in the rain. I told him he had better run, but he just put his hood up and walked. I ran to my car and got in. I started driving away when I passed Zayn walking down the street, his back towards me. I drove slower and slower. I turned into a parking lot and turned around and then down the street I saw him walking on. I slowed down as I got closer to him and rolled down the passenger side window halfway and he stopped walking and looked up.

"Wanna ride?", I smiled at him.


"Get in.", I said moving my book bag to the back seat. He opened the door and crawled in, followed by a shiver. The rain had made it cold out. "Where's your house?"

"Go straight, then turn right and its all the way at the end on the right."

"That's not as close as I thought it was to the school."

"Well, it's close enough. My mom doesn't want to pay the extra gas."

"Oh I see."

There was a long pause and neither of us said anything.

"So 6th grade, huh?"

"What about it?", I asked confused.

"You had your first kiss in 6th grade."

"I, well, I mean I guess. If it counts. I didn't know any kisses before like 7th grade counted."

"Why wouldn't they? I mean, it's still a kiss."

"That's true.", I smiled. "So when was yours?"

"My what?"

"First kiss, you idiot.", I laughed.

"Oh, that. Yeah, um... I guess I'm just waiting."

My eyes widened slightly and I looked at him. "You've never kissed anyone?"

"Not techni-"

"Either you have or you haven't, Zayn, and you haven't.", I poked his arm.

"Is that bad?"

"For someone as attractive as you, yes.", I thought. "No, not really. I guess it's cute that you're waiting. I mean, I wish mine wasn't in 6th grade with some kid I barely knew. I wish it was somebody who'd I actually remember their name."

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