Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

*Zayn's POV*

I don't know who that girl was, or if it was actually her sister. It could have been her and she just didn't want to tell me that she had something wrong when she was little. After all, she only said she had a brother, and why wouldn't she tell me that she has a sister? Or, had a sister.

We've only known each other for a little while, but we instantly connected and were basically friends in only a few minutes. Why would she lie to me about anything? I couldn't see her being a liar, she was too nice and sweet to con me into believing lies. But I still got the suspicion that she was hiding something, maybe nothing I need to know about, but something that she could tell me about. I saw her 4 bottles of pills. All I could read was Temazepam on one, which I think is some kind of sleeping medicine, and all the further I got on one other was Anxi–, before she pushed them in the drawer. I know she has some kind of anxiety though because of what happened at my house. Which I didn't think that was a big deal, but maybe she did. And then there's birth control to help with stress and she said she takes medicine for her ADHD too.

Even though Louisa only has 2 friends and its just her and her mom at their house, and she doesn't actually do anything outside of going to school, she still has stuff going on all the time. It's like a constant wave of emotions and feelings and thoughts with her. It's like she was borderline crazy, but in such a fascinating way.

She quickly changed the subject and decided that we should do homework together. That basically meant that she was extremely desperate to rid of this topic because I know she doesn't do her homework. We went and got our bags from her car and went back into her bedroom on her bed to do it. I tried to actually help her, but she didn't get anything. This was most likely a result of her not paying attention in any class.

"I haven't done homework in forever, this sucks.", she wined.

"Does your mom ever check your grades and stuff?"

"I mean, she sees my final report card, but that's it."

"She doesn't care that you have grades like you do?"

"She can't do anything about it though.", she said quietly.

"Have you or your mom ever talked to like a counselor at school to maybe get you back in the classes that you need in order to help you?", I asked sincerely. She just shrugged her shoulders. "Louisa, maybe we haven't been friends for that long, but I still care and I don't want to see you fail just because you deserve more help on something as simple as school work."

She just stared at me. She moved her books and sat up on her knees and, on her knees, walked across her bed to me and wrapped her arms around my neck. At first I was shocked, because she didn't seem like someone to just go and hug someone, but I gave in and hugged my arms around her small torso. She was tiny. Besides being short and only reaching my shoulder when we stood next to each other, she was very thin and there's no way she weighed any more than 100 pounds.

She pulled away and looked at me. "Thanks."

"Welcome.", I whispered.

After while Louisa drove me home because my mom had called.

Friday was boring day at school, but in English we got assigned a project and we could choose our partners.

"I'm glad you're in here, because this means I don't have to do group projects by myself anymore.", Louisa told me.

"Did you used to just sit there and do it yourself?"

"Pretty much. Well, I mean, I wouldn't really do it.", she smiled.

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