Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

*Zayn's POV*

Ever since Louisa left, she didn't text me. By this point, we texted or called or hung out every day. She wouldn't reply to me. I came to school Monday waiting for her in English, but she wasn't there.

By Wednesday I got worried and went up to Janet at her locker. "Janet, hey."

She glanced at me and said, "Hi.", but she was very weak with her words.

"Do you know where Louisa is? She hasn't been at school and won't reply to my messages." She just shrugged her shoulders and started to walk away. "Janet, please? I'm scared."

She stopped and shrugged again. "She must be sick." I just let her walk away this time. Something was wrong and it wasn't any of my business apparently. I wish Louisa wasn't so secretive with her life. I've told her everything I've went through, but she keeps everything from me. I thought we were friends. Good friends, but I don't even know anymore.

In history class we had an end of quarter project for our third quarter. We got assigned partners, which I didn't like at all because I got Lilly Risner as mine. I know Louisa hated her and I know Lilly hated Louisa too. I know she would try to find things out and she'd probably hate me too.

"Want to work on it after school together?", she asked when we had to get started with our partners.

"No.", I said, "How about we just do it in like study halls and stuff?"

"Fine.", she bluntly replied.

"I have study hall 9th, how about you?"


"Okay, come in here then because Mr. Ray doesn't have a class that period and he won't be in here."

"Okay, fine." I definitely believed Louisa in the sense that Lilly was a bitch.

9th period I met her in the room and tried to work, but she didn't want to. She just sat and agreed to everything I said without even listening.

"What's your problem anyways?", I asked slamming my pencil on the table.

"I don't like you."

"Yet you wanted to hang out after school?"

"Okay fine, I don't like your friend."

"Wow. Shocker.", I said sarcastically.

"I wanted to tell you that she's lying to you. About everything."

"What?" I was so confused.

"In the middle of freshman year I called Louisa ugly in the hall–"

"There's your first problem."

"Shut up. Anyways, everyone started laughing because I yelled it and she started crying and didn't move. She started shaking and she cried so much and her entire body shook so much that she couldn't breath. Everyone was staring at her and I think that made her even more embarrassed. Because she wasn't breathing, she passed out in the middle of the hallway. She had a panic attack in front of everyone. An ambulance came and she was sent to the hospital."

My eyes widened. I had no idea this happened. "Nobody helped her? You all just watched?"

"Basically. And then she didn't come back until towards the end of sophomore year."

I stood up, completely furious. "Dammit Lilly.", I paused. "You're- you're such a bitch! All of you guys are!"

"Excuse me?" She stood up in front of me.

"You're a bitch! I always respect girls and I'm a nice person, but I can't handle you anymore. All you do is hurt people, and you're proud of it."

"I hope you know your 'best friend' is hurting you. She's lying to you. Her dad isn't dead, he's in jail for abusing her. She's depressed and she used to cut herself. She couldn't leave her house for 6 months at one point and she skips school, she isn't sick."

I walked away. I was mad at Lilly, definitely, but was I mad at Louisa too? For lying to me? I was a little pissed off, but I wasn't full blown mad at her. I think I would've been angrier if the stuff I found out wasn't so heart breaking. Most of everything she was afraid of made sense now. "...grown men; drunk people; loud banging, yelling", her dad beat her when he got drunk. "...therapists; sharp objects, blood", she was depressed and cut. She didn't want me to know, and I understand why she kept it from me, but I wanted her to understand she can tell me anything because I would still care and I wouldn't leave.

It took 2 more weeks and I saw Louisa sitting at her desk first period. She had a blank expression on her face. I wasn't going to mention anything now, I would just have to tell her later.

"Hey, Louisa."

She looked at me and shot me an obviously forced smile. "Hi."

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

"Want to come over today after school?"

"Sure.", she said forcing another smile.

All day at school she barely talked. I saw her talking to Janet and she looked sad. But she wouldn't talk to me hardly.

After school she slowly drove to my house with me.


only one chapter left. thanks to anyone who's still here reading, it actually means a looooooooooot. vote and comment, or don't. whatever. even if you just read it, it still means a lot to me. this chapter is really short though, sorry aha.


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