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"...And there he was, with his arm around another girl!" Cady explained the previous night's events to Julia the next morning. "Oh my God!" Julia gasped, just as horrified as Cady was. "I know" Cady rolled her eyes at the situation.

At that moment, two people came in through the backdoor. It was Julian and Noel. Julia saw them but Cady wasn't facing in the right direction to see them, though she recognised their voices Immediately. She didn't dare turn around and face Noel, after last night, she didn't want to. "Hey, how many tickets do you want for tonight's show?" Noel asked Cady and Julia, though Cady still didn't face him. Noel was referring to the theatre performance they were all going to see the same night. "Just one" Julia smiled, despite still being disgusted with Noel and what he did to Cady. "Cady?" Noel asked. By that time, Noel had figured out he had made a mistake, you could practically hear the guilt and shame in his voice. "One..." Cady replied. "Okay, one for everyone..." Julian smiled. "Actually I want two, I'm gonna bring Ursula...if that's okay with you, Cady" Noel said. This time Cady turned around to face Noel. "Yeah...I-I was actually thinking of bringing someone else too" Cady lied. "Really?...because when I asked how many tickets you wanted you said one" Noel asked, looking confused. "...No, I meant me plus one" she lied again, forcing a smile. "Julia, you got the babysitter for the twins, right?" Julian changed the subject, Julia nodded. "See you later then" Noel smiled to Julia and Cady, before leaving the house again with Julian. "Right..." Cady reached for the phone book once she heard the back door shut. "I gotta a date for tonight"

Noel and Ursula arrived at the theatre first, shortly followed by Cady and her new substitute boyfriend. "Oh hey, we're the first ones here!" Noel grinned. "Yay!" Cady smiled, she knew she still had a bit off a soft spot for Noel. "This is Dillon" Cady said, gesturing to her new boyfriend. "Hi" Noel said, shaking Dillon's hand. "I'm Ursula" she said, smiling at Dillon. "I'm just gonna go to the bathroom" Ursula said, sprinting down the isle. "And I'm gonna go outside to wait for Julian and Julia" Cady said, leaving Noel and Dillon temporarily alone.

"Well this is awkward..." Noel smiled anxiously at Dillon. "Hey its okay, what seat numbers are we?" Dillon asked. "Well...you, Cady, Ursula, and Julia are in D13, 14, 15 and 16...obviously me and Julian don't have seats because we're in the play." Noel laughed. Suddenly, they noticed a middle aged couple were sat in two of their seats. "Um, excuse me, but I think you might be in our seats" Noel said politely the couple. "I don't think so" the gentleman replied. "Can I see your tickets?" Noel asked, the gentleman handing him the tickets. "Ah, see this says E13, and this row is D13" Noel smiled handing back the ticket. "Oh sorry, we just thought-" the man began to apologise but was cut off Immeadiatly by Dillon. "Oh, you thought, well that didn't turn out too well for you did it, IDIOT!" To Noels shock, Dillon began to scream at them Infront of everyone. "WHAT ARE YOU A MORON? THIS SAYS E13!" Dillon didn't stop screaming, Noel stepped back, a little frightened himself. "Th-The usher just told us to-" the gentleman stuttered. "OH, OH, THE USHER TOLD YOU, DID HE? WELL, THE USHER MUST BE RIGHT, WHAT WITH ALL THE TRAINING THEY GO THROUGH!" Dillon screamed. "GET OUT!" He screamed one final time at the couple, who hurried out of the seats as fast as possible. Dillon then turned to Noel and smiled, screaming gone completely. "Hey man, do you want anything to eat?" Dillon asked Noel politely. Noel's eyes were wide at Dillon's outlandish behaviour, he just simply breathed nervously "I'm fine thanks"

Julian and Julia arrived not soon after. When the play finished, they all stayed at the theatre a bit for the after party. Most people were enjoying themselves, but Ursula wasnt as she found Noel paying less and less attention to her. Cady however, was still pretending to love Dillon. "Hey, wheres Julian?" Noel asked Julia at the after party. "Just over there talking to Dillon" she replied. "Oh my God, I'd stay away from that Dillon, he is crazy! He viciously screamed at this couple who were sat in our seats!" Noel hissed. "Oh, so you don't like Cady's new boyfriend, that is weird" Julia said sarcastically.

"Cady are you okay?" Julian came over to Cady once he had finished talking to Dillon. "Yeah" she lied. "Cady...I know you're not" he said. "It's not important really...I'll get over it, I have to" Cady smiled, looking over at Noel. "...but maybe you won't" Julian said. "You're probably right" Cady sighed. She kicked herself inside, even after what he'd done, shes was still falling for Noel, head over heels.

"What are you doing?" Ursula asked Noel. By this time, Ursula was already having second thoughts about being with him. "Someone just pushed in front of Dillon in the queue for the toilets, I think he's gonna scream!" Noel grinned, watching the scene from afar with anticipation. "Okay well, I'm gonna go" Ursula attempted to excuse herself. "Why?" Noel asked, though his eyes were still focused on the toilet queue scenario. "Believe it or not, I don't want to stay just becuase a man may or may not scream" Ursula said. "Oh, don't be silly, he definatly will scream" Noel said, still watching.

"Noel, I'm gonna go and also, I don't think we should see eachother anymore" Ursula sighed. At that point Noel finally turned to face her. "Why?" He asked. "Honestly" she started. "I don't think you like me that much anyway. Infact, dyou know what I think?" She asked. Noel shook his head. "I think you missed Cady. And you were using me to get over her." Ursula sighed. Noel looked down because he knew she was right. "I mean, you couldn't even cope three days without seeing her? She must be pretty special to you" Ursula said. Noel nodded and sighed and the penny dropped in his mind, how bad he'd messed up. "What you did to Cady was really mean. Shes a really nice girl. I don't know if she could ever forgive you...If I was in her position, I wouldn't be able to" Ursula sighed. "But then again, I'm not in love with you like she is...well, like she was...You should be trying to save your relationship with her, not cheat on her with me!" Ursula hissed, slapping him on the side of the face. "Don't you ever do that to her ever again! Don't you have feelings? Even I could see it! But you can't? Noel she was devastated when she saw you had ditched her!" She yelled. Noel had no idea that Ursula was so empathic with Cady but clearly she knew how broken Cady really was and was teaching Noel a lesson, no mistake.
"How dare you do that to another human being? Shes gorgeous and crazy about you and you just took advantage of her love? Honestly, I never thought anyone could be so immature!" She breathed. "And you know what, if you don't wanna be in an adult relationship, don't be in one!"
Ursula yelled, before abruptly leaving the building, supposedly gone forever.

Noel Fielding ~ Blue EyesWhere stories live. Discover now