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"So, uh, shall we make it official?" Cady smiled, nearly crying, sticking out her hand for Noel to put the ring on it but he didn't move an inch. Noel was frozen on the spot, apart from his hands - which were still clasped tightly around the ring - were trembling a little. "C-Caz, I-" Noel began. He was going to explain that he didn't mean to propose when suddenly Julia entered. "Heeey, its J-Julia!" Noel yelped, jumping up and hiding the ring behind his back. He was grinning nervously and his voice was high and squeaky. Julia was obviously confused with Noel's unusual behaviour, nether the less she smiled and said nothing but held some fresh flowers in her hands. "Oh look, shes got flowers! Thanks but I'm more of a candy guy, ahahaha, get it?" Noel joked nervously, voice still squeaky. Julia just looked at him with an expression of pure bewilderment. "...you're weird today" Julia said passing Cady the flowers. "I need to talk to you about something" Julia smiled at Cady. "I need to talk to you about something too!" She smiled back, of course meaning her 'engagement'. "Noel could you, uh, give us some air?" Julia asked, smiling still. Noel, of course knowing that Cady was gonna tell Julia about the whole wedding thing, simply replied "No" as he didn't want anyone else to find out about his huge mistake. "What?" Julia chuckled. "Oh I'm sorry, I meant- No" Noel replied.

Just then, Julian walked in. Noel slipped the ring into his back pocket.
"The babysitters's bringing the twins so Julia and I should go wait outside for them" Julian said. "Okay, but I do need to talk to you later Cady" Julia said, before leaving. "Wait, Julian, I need to talk to you...now" Noel ran out the room after him.

"What is it?" Julian asked, bringing Noel aside in the corridor. Julia was outside the whole hospital, in the car park, so they were alone. "I just did a terrible thing" Noel began. "What?" Julian asked, suddenly looking concerned. "Cady thinks that I proposed to her!" Noel hissed. "No way, why would she think that?" Julian gasped. "...becuase it kinda looked like I did" Noel replied, shrugging and smiling nervously. "Basically the ring fell out of my pocket, I knelt down to pick it up and she thought I was proposing!" Noel sighed. "Does anybody else know?"
"Well maybe nobody else has to know" Julian said. "Ooh, I like that!" Noel grinned. "Just clear it up with Cady that you didn't mean to do it and we needn't talk of it ever again" Julian explained his idea. "Okay thanks" Noel grinned, walking back to Cady's room. "Wait Noel, one more thing" Julian called, Noel froze in his tracks and turned back round to face him. "Did she say yes?"
"Y-yeah...she, she did, yeah"

"Hey Caz" Noel smiled as he re entered Cady's room. "Hey" she smiled back. "I-I really have to tell you something..." Noel began. At that moment, a Doctor entered and began asking her all these questions about how she feels and things like that. "People have got to stop coming in the room when I'm trying to talk!" Noel whispered to himself, vacating the room once again.

"Its your favourite aunt Cady!!" Julia grinned as she entered Cady's room with the twins, about half an hour after Noel had been in to attempt to explain the proposal thing. Failing, of course. The twins ran in and jumped on Cady's bed, making her laugh a little. "What did you want to tell me again?" Julia asked, pulling up a chair and sitting next to Cady's bed. "Well, uh, I'm kinda engaged" Cady grinned. "...No you're not. Cady, no angel came out of the sky and proposed" said Julia, looking so confused. "Yes I am! I know there was no angel. No 'angel' proposed, Noel proposed" Cady said. "Oh sweetie, you're so tired" Julia sighed, completly convinced the whole thing was entirely fictional and something of which Cady had conjured up in her own brain becuase of lack of sleep. "See, I didn't propose to you. Noel didnt propose to you. And Julian didn't propose to you" Julia said. "Okay..." Replied Cady "You didn't propose to me, Julian didn't propose to me...but Noel did" She looked up at Julia. "Aunty Cady, do you love Uncle Noel?" Walter interrupted. "Are you going to have a baby?" Arthur joined in. Cady laughed and blushed. "Do you choose whether to have a baby or not?" Asked Walter. This just made Cady laugh even more, before Julia got her attention again. "Wait, so Noel proposed?" Julia said and at that moment, Noel opened the door.

"You proposed?" Julia said, turning to face Noel who was still standing at the door. "No I didn't!" Noel yelped, voice going slightly squeaky again. "Yes you did!" Cady insisted. "No I didn't!"
"Yes you did and don't say you didn't!"
"I didn't mean to propose! I was just picking the ring up and you thought I was proposing!" Noel explained. "But you said 'will you marry me'!" Cady argued. "...No I didn't" Said Noel, confusion allover his face. "Yes you did!"
"No I didnt!"
"Yes you did- Oh my God you didn't!" Cady gasped, suddenly remembering that he in fact didn't.

"Okay, I think I should leave you two alone" Julia said, leaving the room and taking the twins with her. "I'm so sorry Cady" Noel sighed. "It was me that was stupid" she replied. "Come here, Caz" she said, taking her into his arms and hugging her tightly.

He kissed her on the lips and stayed there for a few moments. She kissed back and put her hands neatly on his shoulders. Suddenly, Walter ran into the room. "Okay, people have got to stop walking in on us!" Noel laughed, Cady Laughing a little too. Walter giggled and ran out of the room, the door swinging shut behind him.

"...You said yes" Noel murmered. "I'm sorry, what?" Cady looked at him. "I proposed...and you said yes" he repeated, a bit louder the second time though. "Noel, you have to accept the fact that I was tired and emotional, I would have said yes to anybody" she sighed. "Yeah but Cady, I don't wanna be just anybody..." Noel breathed. "Noel, look at me Noel" she smiled, cupping his cheek with one hand. "To me, you'll never be 'just anybody'"

Noel Fielding ~ Blue EyesWhere stories live. Discover now