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"Hi Cady hun, you seemed eager to get to work this morning, are you okay?" Julia walked into the cafe where Cady was waitressing, she was cleaning while the cafe was empty. "Oh, me? I'm fine!" She lied, making an effort to smile. Julia hesitated before continuing. "Noel was outside for a long time last night...what's going on with you two?" She asked, walking closer to her. Cady stopped cleaning for a moment and sat down on one of the chairs. "a-actually, things aren't so good...I think we broke up last night..." She breathed. Julia gasped and quickly threw her arms around Cady. "Aww, hunny..." Julia whispered, still hugging Cady. "And you were so close..."
"I know...and God knows I still love that man..."
"Then why are you breaking up with him?" Julia looked at her. Cady took a deep breath and sighed
"...I broke up with him becuase I was mad at him... Not becuase I stopped loving him.."

"Ugh!" Cady groaned that night, cuddled up on Julian's sofa. "Cady are you sure you're okay?" Julia sighed and Julian looked up from his newspaper. "I just feel really awful..." She sighed. "Maybe I'm ill" she pondered. "Maybe you miss someone" Julia whispered.

"Well, now may not be the best time to say this but..." Julia breathed, glancing at Julian for a moment "...we're thinking about g-getting married"
"...really?" Cady gulped.
"Really" Julian nodded.
All of a sudden, the twins ran in to the living room. "Arthur! Walter! It's 9 O clock! You should be asleep!" Julia said. "Please mummy! We want to be with Aunty Cady!" Walter shouted. They jumped on the sofa and both sat on Cady's lap. Cady smiled but then suddenly her eyes were full and she started to cry a little.

"Cady? Whats wrong?" Julia asked, looking concerned. "Nothing..." She said, wiping her eyes, though this clearly wasn't the case. "...it's just that you're happy together and getting married and have children...and I don't have any of those things..." She said. "Cady hun, you're a lot younger than us and I'm sure that one day you will meet someone" Julia tried to comfort her. "You're just a little anxious becuase this is your first proper relationship" Julian added, Cady looked up. "...was Noel your first boyfriend?" Julia asked. Cady nodded and sighed. "I miss him already... I know I shouldn't be this pathetic but-"
"Cady, you're not pathetic! You should be acting like this, its natural. And besides, imagine how badly Noel must be dealing with this" Julian said, Cady laughed. "Its like you were saying" she looked up at Julia "maybe I am gonna find the one...but what if I already found him but I dumped him because I was mad at him?"

Noel Fielding ~ Blue EyesWhere stories live. Discover now