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"Hey, there's a review out for the play I was in the other night!" Noel smiled, clutching the newspaper in his hands. "Oh I wouldn't read it" Cady looked up at him from the sofa. In a couple of days everything had gotten pretty much back to normal, apart from Noel and Cady weren't dating. They were definatly back friends and Cady could see simply in Noel's big sad eyes that he was deeply regretful about what he did. Had gone out to lunch and left them two in charge of the house, well, he left Cady in charge but wherever she went Noel tagged along with her. "Why shouldn't I read it?" Noel asked, beggining to sound a little worried. "Hun, I'm not sure you're gonna like it...I read it this morning..." Cady sighed. Noel shook his head, sitting down next to her on the sofa and reading the newspaper. "...Fielding's dry and lifeless representation of Mr Utterson was unbearable for viewers and overall completly abysmal" Noel read from the papers and sighed. "Well, don't worry, just look at the Audience's responses" Cady tried to help. " 'Fieldings performance was so appauling, I would say that this is an outrage' - Says horrified single mom, Terri" Noel read and looked at Cady. "Haha, 'this is an outrage' shes using the old catchphrase against you" Cady laughed. "As if she actually said that. Shes a 'horrified single mom', as if she's dropping little jokes in like that" Noel laughed back. "Well that's what it says there" Cady pointed to the quote in the article. "Yeah well that's what newspapers do isnt it? They make stuff up." Noel said. "Really? I've never heard of that" Replied Cady, looking a little confused. "They've made stuff up about you!" Noel breathed. "Have they?"
"Yes! I've even seen it! They said that when you were sacked from David Copperfield you went crying back to them on your knees, begging for your job back. They made that up...didn't they?" Noel looked at her. "Yep..." She muttered, unsure. "Rubbish..."

"What's wrong?" Cady asked Noel at about 6 at night, still no sign of Julian and Julia though. "I can't stop thinking about that review" He sighed. "Oh, Noel" She sighed, practically force-feeding him his soup. "Drama Critics are only angry becuase theyre not good enough to be real actors" she smiled. "Really?" Noel asked, in between gulps of soup. "Of course!" She smiled. "Okay...but I'm still annoyed, its doing my head in" he looked at her. "Well, why don't we go to all the newsagents and burn every copy of The Sun newspaper" she grinned. "Aw, you are the best" he grinned back. The smiling couple didn't hesitate before slipping out of the back door together.

When they got back some hours later, there was still no sign of Julian nor Julia. "They must have gone to bed already" Cady shrugged. "Must have" Noel yawned, he seemed really sleepy and tired but of course, Cady just found this somehow lovable. "You really think the newspaper's are just jealous of me?" He smiled at her dreamily, eyes fluttering a little, sometimes even threatening to close for good and fall into a deep sleep. "Of course, you're talented and you're good looking" she smiled back, though she was a little livelier than he and wasn't on the verge of falling asleep. "Well you're cute and sweet" he sighed happily. "I know, thats why the newspapers hate me too!" She laughed. His soft blue eyes never left hers as she spoke. She smiled up at him as he stroked her hair a little. He leaned in and kissed her, his arms falling around her waist.

"I-I don't get you" Cady sighed, backing out of the kiss suddenly. "I mean, first; you embarrass, then; you sleep with me, then; you ditch me and now; you want me again?" Cady looked at him. "I'm sorry Cady, I really am" Noel sighed, sitting himself and Cady down on the sofa, taking her hands in his. "I know you are...I just need to know you won't blow me off again" she looked at him. "I really won't, Caz, I love you, you're gorgeous, you're....you're..." He breathed, sounding more tired than ever. He leaned in but instead of kissing her, he rested his head on her shoulder and fell asleep.

Cady laughed softly and smiled at him, stroking his hair a little. He had learned his lesson and he was impossible not to forgive. And she couldn't deny she didn't love him too. She lied down on the sofa with him and cuddled him, as she slowly drifted into sleep too. She rested her head against his chest and could hear his heartbeat. She sighed happily and moved a little closer toward him, putting her arms around his torso. His heartbeat was a comforting sound and let Cady fall asleep very naturally indeed.

Noel Fielding ~ Blue EyesWhere stories live. Discover now