Chapter One

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"And can anyone tell me who is famed for the discovery of America in many of today's textbooks?" Mr.Myers asked from the front of the dimly lit classroom, a book open in his hand.

No one said anything. Several people shifted in their seats. Someone coughed.

"Anyone? Anyone at all? Come on guys." He muttered, looking around the class for a victim.

"Mr.Andrews, perhaps you can tell me?" He asked, turning the class's attention to a small boy with his bangs covering his eyes.

His head was propped on his hand as he stared out the window, oblivious to his name having been called.

"Mr.Andrews." Mr.Myers repeated patiently.

"Aubrey!" The girl beside the boy hissed quietly, gently shoving him with her elbow and snapping him out of his trance.

"Yes?" He popped his head to the teacher but didn't meet his gaze.

"Ah nice for you to join us Mr.Andrews." Mr.Myers joked dryly, causing a murmur of snickers to ripple through the class.

A blush covered Aubrey's cheeks and he sank lower in the chair.

"Who discovered America, the answer please, this isn't hard." He repeated, shifting his weight from one foot to another.

"Christopher Columbus." Aubrey muttered just loud enough to be heard, staring down at his open textbook in front of him.

"Thank you. Yes it was Columbus that is credited with being the first person other than the native peoples to ever set foot in America..." Mr.Myers droned on with his lesson and Aubrey slowly let his attention slip back to looking out the window at the autumn colored trees.

'Why should I have to sit here and listen to this old guy rant about things I already know?' He wondered to himself. This wouldn't be happening if his mom had just let him skip another grade.

His nonexistent social skill were hardly something to base whether or not he skip grades on. He knew all of this without playing with others.

He let out a small puff of air as the bell finally rang, releasing him from this torture.

He swung his bag over his shoulder, jut wanting to escape this prison and get to his next class so he was
that much closer to leaving.

Clutching his book to his chest, he was almost out the door when-

"Mr.Andrews? A word please?" Mr.Myers called from his desk.

Reluctantly Aubrey stepped back into the classroom, dragging his feet.

Mr.Myers easily towered over Aubrey's 5" 3' frame when he stood from his desk.

"I wanted to talk to you about your class performance lately. Your test and homework scores have, of course, been phenomenal, but when it comes to classroom participation there is barely anything. I have to prod you for answers, I never see you talking to your classmates, and you zone out so much I'd be worried if I didn't know you were one of the smartest ones in this class." He ran a hand through his grating hair with a sigh.

By this time the room had begun to fill with the next class. Aubrey nervously shifted from one foot to another.

"I want you to do well in this class Aubrey and in most ways you are, but we'll be starting group projects soon and what will you do then? I can't keep letting you work alone. Can you at least try to participate a bit more in class?" Mr.Myers asked.

"It's a good thing colleges don't pay much attention to classroom participation." Aubrey replied before making his escape into the hall.

He'd had this conversation many times with all his teachers but at this point he didn't really care. No one wanted to work with the 'emo' kid on projects anyway.

'Emo, who thought of that?' He wondered to himself as he shuffled toward his next class.

'I'm not emo, I don't cut or have piercings or any of that, I just like my hair long. Maybe that's scene. I don't know.' Having gotten lost in his thoughts again he didn't notice he was walking into trouble until he ran straight into it.

Stumbling back a few steps he glanced up through his hair at the towering giant before him and gulped. He had run into the biggest guy on the football team and the biggest homophobe in the school, Dean Carter.

Not that he was even gay, he was Pansexual technically. Big difference really.

"Watch where you're going fag!" Dean snarled before pushing Aubrey's shoulders roughly.

He held tightly to the books in his arms as the weight of the large bag on his shoulders attempted to drag him down.

He kept his eyes trained on the ground as he regained his balance.

"Well? Aren't you gonna say sorry?" Dean said, standing over Aubrey with his goons backing him up as Aubrey tried to sink into himself.

Before he could say anything though, another voice sounded from further down the hallway that was still full of kids hurrying to their classes.

"Yo Carter!" The voice called out. Looking up, Aubrey could see it belonged to Luke Matthews, the quarterback.

'Great, more of them to beat me up.' Aubrey thought bitterly, clutching his books even tighter.

He tore his gaze away from Luke's perfect face and captivating blue eyes and stared down at his worn gray converse instead, waiting for the worst.

"What are you doing man?" Luke asks as he walks up. If Aubrey wasn't already against the wall he would be backing away right now.

"About to beat up the fag here." Dean replied, making his goons laugh, "wanna help bro?"

Luke looked over at Aubrey standing there pinned between the wall and the guys with raised eyebrows.

"Why would I do that?" He asked in what sounded like horrified curiosity.

"I don't know man you tell me, little fag probably deserves it." Dean said with a smirk, showing off his yellowed teeth.

Luke gave him a disgusted face.

"That's not cool man, you could be kicked off the team for that." He said angrily.

Dean scoffed.

"Like he doesn't deserve it!" He snarled.

"What did he do to you?" Luke asked, glancing over at Aubrey again.

Aubrey was looking up at him through his bangs, his eyes wide.

"Look at the little brat Matthews!" Dean shouted, drawing the attention of the few remaining people in the hallway.

Luke looked over thoughtfully, taking in Aubrey's pale skin and dark hair that was falling into his face. His eyes then ran over the baggy sweatshirt he wore and the black skinny jeans over his thin legs.

"I am." He said simply, the faint hint of a smile on his face. "Let me rephrase this Carter, if I see you doing crap like this with anyone again you WILL be off the team. Got it?" Luke spat, venom in his voice.

Dean looked startled before he growled under his breath and stormed away with his goons following close behind.

After he left, Luke turned to face Aubrey.

"Come on, we've got about a minute left to get to class." He said, jerking his head in the direction of his next class.

Aubrey gave him a strange look before pushing off the wall and following him to science.


Heyo peoples! There's that and first thing is first I want to address some stuff!

1st-THIS IS NOT MY IDEA!!!! The original idea for the story came from Mypetluke but they didn't feel comfortable posting it on their account so they sent it to me to post here.

2nd-I actually didn't have a second point so enjoy and leave a comment telling me what you thought!

Love ya! B-D

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