Chapter Ten

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You would think that after the day I'd had I would have just gone home. But no. I just had to go to the park to wander.

So I guess it really is my fault that three little girls are following me around.

I hunch my shoulders more and try to appear uninteresting to them but of course that doesn't work with my luck.

"You are a high school person right, my big brother goes to high school? Do you know my big brother?" One of the little devils say, trotting along behind me and pulling the other two by their linked hands.

What the heck are they following me for? High school person? How old even are they? Why are they here alone?

"Dakota, we shouldn't have left Amanda, mommy will be really mad when she finds out." Another one says, pulling on her hair.

The leader, Dakota, rolls her eyes. Holy moly why am I so scared of her she is like half my height.

"Don't be such a baby Darcy, momma doesn't need to know, tell her Danni." She says, turning to the last one who just huffed and rolled her eyes.

"Anyway, what is your name? Mine is Dakota and these are my sisters." She says to me. Oh right, they are still following me. I duck my head even farther as I turn away from them, causing my hair to fall into my eyes.

"You have pretty hair, it looks soft." One of them, Darcy I think, says, running up next to me and walking along beside me. "My brother Luke has soft hair but he puts icky gel in it sometimes and it isn't soft then."

Luke? As, Luke is a super common name their is no way. But then again if it is the same person that is a really random thing to kno-

What the heck am I thinking?

I continue to walk around the park as they babble on to me in hopes that they will eventually get bored and leave me alone.

They don't.

I honestly don't know what to do anymore, ignoring is really the only tactic I know and it is obvious that isn't working. Finally I pull out my crappy phone and text the person I never thought I would.

'Hey, its Aubrey.'

I glance at the six eyes staring at me and nearly jump out of my skin when my phone buzzes in my hand. He texted back that fast?!

'You didn't do the thing :('

My eyes widened slightly. What is he talking about? What is the thing?

'I'm sorry?'

I respond unsurely, that wasn't the reaction I was expecting.

'Ah, whatever, it wasn't that important. Anyway, what's up?'

I bite my lip, thinking how best to phrase this. 'Three little blonde girls are following me around the park would you happen to be related to them? If so could you please come and collect them?' Probably not like that...

'I'm at the park.'

Ok, good start.

'I don't live that far from the park, I could come meet you if you don't mind. I have something to ask you anyway.'

Wait, what?

I stare at my phone in shock, did that just happen? Shakily texting back 'ok' I make my way over to one of the benches and what do you know, they follow me. Why me? I would just go home but I'm afraid they would follow me and I don't really want to.

What does he mean he has something to ask me? I try to not let my mind wander into impossible paces but I can't help it.

About 15 minutes later I finally spot him walking up. I have not been scanning the sidewalk like a stalker thank you very much I just so happened to look up and there he was.

He stops walking and glances around, hands in his pockets. Eventually his eyes fall on me and he starts smiling before it morphs into a frown.

"Hey look, there is my big brother!"  One of the three says excitedly, leaning on my knee which is making me veRY UNCOMFORTABLE.

I look back up to see Luke speed walking over to where I'm sitting with a stern look on his face. Oh god they're related, what if he thinks I was trying to kidnap them or something? If anything they were trying to kidnap me.

"Dakota, Darcy, Danni. What are you doing here? Mom said you were with the neighbor girl. You didn't ditch her again did you?" He asked, sounding exasperated. "You know it makes mom stressed out to not know where you girls are." He scolded. They all looked down at their feet.

"Sorry Luke...  but she was boring!" One of them protested.

"Dakota, I don't want to hear it, if you don't want me to tell mom what you three have been up to go play on the swings for a minute while I talk to Aubrey ok?" He says and they scamper off toward the swing set.

He watched them for a minute before turning to me and smiling sheepishly, making me blush. Wait, why am I blushing? I bring my hands up to my cheeks as I stare up at him.

"Sorry, they weren't bothering you were they? They have a tendency to do that." He explains before pointing to the seat next to me, "mind if I sit?"

I shake my head and he settles down next to me with a sigh.

I wait for him to say something but he remains quiet as he watching the girls swinging. Oh, wait, maybe it's my turn to talk.

"You said you had a q-question?" I whisper, worried that maybe he didn't hear me and I'd have to repeat myself.

But obviously he did hear me because he turned and fixed his blue eyes on me, making my cheeks catch fire again. Why am I so nervous???

"Oh you're right, I did say that. Almost forgot." He admitted, scratching back of his head. "Well, the thing is that I'm kind of... failing math..." he said, looking guilty.

Oh, ok. That wasn't what I was expecting at all.

"M-math?" I asked. He nodded, sighing.

"So I was wondering if you would be willing to tutor me? Maybe?" He asked hopefully, looking back so much like a puppy that I wanted to ruffle his hair.

Wait, I wanted to what?!

"Um... ok, I guess." I mutter quietly, looking down at my hands that are now tightly laced together. I jump slightly when Luke springs up suddenly.

"Alrighty then, I'll text you later about when we can meet up and stuff, I should probably get the children back home before they start terrorizing a squirrel or something." He chuckles, grinning at me and making my heart skip a beat which then just makes me even more confused.

"Ok." I say, but he is already walking away. I watch him collect his sisters and start going back towards their house.

I take a deep breath before what just happened begins to sink in.


Yo yo yo people. Yup, I'm back. I don't usually put author's notes in the beginning and end but just bear with me for this chapter.
I'll try to be more regular kinda maybe but you know how it is.
I'm also probably going to go back and revise some old chapters to fix some inconsistencies and stuff so there is that to be happening.

( T_T)(^-^ ) <- This is how I imagine Aubrey and Luke to be.

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