Chapter Five

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The triplets (Danni, Darcy, and Dakota)-------->

I'm pretty sure my heart stopped when I saw Aubrey walk into the school that morning.

His black hair which usually fell over his eyes was pinned away from his forehead which, while it was ridiculously cute, was also concerning because of the long gash running across his cheek.

He held the straps of his backpack and walked with his head down and shoulders hunched, cautiously glancing around him like the people were going to reach out and slap him. He looked tired, wearing a light gray sweatshirt and dark jeans, his brown eyes were ringed by dark purple bags.

I saw him head toward his locker and paused my music (Hello by Adele, shut up she's the queen) before yanking out my earbuds and jogging towards him.

"Hey Aubrey!" I chirped when I got close to him, making him nearly jump out of his skin. He turned to face me with wide, startled eyes and started blushing when I looked at him.

"Hey." He mumbled quietly, obviously unsure of what to say. Well, I might as well ask.

"You look kinda tired today. Hey, what's up with your cheek?" I said, leaning down to get a better look. Wow, real smooth Matthews, way to be subtle hot stuff.

He turned his head away while I mentally scolded myself.

"I scratched it....walking in the woods." I raised an eyebrow while he flinched at his lame answer but didn't say anything. It was pretty obvious he wasn't up for talking so I let it go. Hey, Frozen reference.

Wow, ok Luke, you need to stop watching Disney movies with the girls and start watching more sports. Oh who am I kidding, I'll never stop watching Disney. Disney is the best, you're never too old for Disney.

With a start I realize that I was walking with Aubrey towards his English class. Looking up I see I have about a minute to get to class. Crap.

Looking back towards Aubrey I see him just standing at the door of his class staring at me out of the corner of his eye. Crap, he's on to me.

"Are you waiting for someone?" I joked, hoping to get a smile out of him but he just looked flustered and nervous.

"Oh, uh no..." He stuttered, a panicked look in his eyes. I sighed, he still wasn't used to talking to me it seems.

"Alright, I'll see you later ok?" I said unsurely, watching slight guilt flash across his eyes before I turn and walk away, having to sprint to just barely make it to my math class.

As I stepped into the room with the bell ringing I got a stern look from my teacher, Ms.Ashwood. A lovely lady fresh out of college with black hair and green eyes rimmed by brown glasses. I returned the look with a bright smile before making my way to my seat.

"Alright guys, today we'll be talking about..." the she starts, turning on the projector to a slide show. I pull out my notebook as quickly as I can and start frantically scribbling down notes.

"Hey man, that was a pretty close call." Jacob, my team-mate, whispers from his seat next to me, leaning back in his chair without a care in the world it seems. I ignore him as I try to get the final few sentences but it was too late as the devil herself turned the slide.

"Shit." I mumbled under my breath, starting a new section and forgetting good handwriting to try and get the notes.

"So as you can see, if you derivate the function F, you find f." She said, pointing to a problem with a bunch of letters in it. Wait, what? That made no sense. Don't you already have f? Why do you need to find it?

The Shy One (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now