Chapter Six

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Rachel Sheppard--------------->

At first I was shocked.

Shocked that a teacher had something to say to me about something other than my classroom performance. And shocked by what it was she was asking of me.

There I stood in Mrs.Ashwood's room after fifth hour. My stomach was protesting the lack of food because I didn't have money to pay for lunch, my face stung where the scratch was, and my head was pounding from the general stress of having to deal with idiots all day.

"Huh?" Was all I could muster after an awkwardly long pause.

"I want you to tutor someone for me." She repeated, looking at me like I was a six year old that couldn't grasp the concept of two plus two.

"Uh, well I..." I didn't have an excuse. Crap, think quick! "I don't think my parents would allow that..." I finished lamely. Dang it, I'm really not good in a pinch.

She nodded and looped her fingers together, resting her chin on them.

"It would only be staying after school about 30 minutes each day, as far as I'm aware you walk home every day, if your parents need more information I would be more than happy to give them a call." Oh no.

"No, that won't be necessary," I finally said, defeated, "I'll talk to my mom when I get home today, I'm sure she'll be fine with it."

"Wonderful!" She said, clapping her hands together, "Would tomorrow be ok for you?" Actually never would be good for me.

"Yeah, that will be fine." I gave her a forced smile and walked out of the classroom.

Well crap.

I honestly didn't know how I was gonna get out of this one. At least I had tonight to come up with an excuse or something.

I walked out into the hallway, which was clearing out already...again. I hurried to my locker and shoved everything I didn't need into it before pulling out a binder and running.

My class was just down the hall and about 15 seconds ago I'd heard the warning bell so I could just make it if-

I didn't get to finish my thought as I had just collided with about 6 feet of solid muscle. Glancing up i was ready to kick myself in the face because who stood there before me but Dean Carter! Second day in a row, that's got to be a record for me.

"Well well well, look who it is." He snarled, I couldn't help but roll my eyes, how original.

"Sorry." I muttered, getting up as quick as I could and darting around him before he had a chance to blink. I saw the door of my class just a few feet away and took off sprinting.

I can make it.

I stepped inside just as the bell rang and Mr.Myers gave me a sideways glance before getting up from his desk. I just scrambled to my seat.

"Alright class, today we'll be going over the various Native American tribes. This isn't exactly rocket science and you've been learning it since fourth grade so we'll only spend a day or two on it, ok open your text books to page 317."

After that I sort of zoned out. I had gone through a faze around age 12 where this kind of stuff had fascinated me so I'd always read about it when I could sneak away to the library.

Ah the library, my safe haven when I was younger. Have you ever gone when they were taking a bunch of old and worn out books off the shelf to make room for new ones? No? Well....Use your imagination for a minute.

The first time I did I was about 7 and I could just stare as the librarian, Miss Holly wheeled a cart full of old books passed me. I guess she noticed and let me choose one or two to take home.

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