Chapter Eight

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When your story has this many likes. o(^_^)o....

Oh crap. Oh crap. Oh crap!

I can't believe I lost track of the time! I am so dead.

I wait until I Luke is completely out of sight before turning and running towards home.

Or the house I guess. It isn't really a home.

I was very out of breath by the time I arrived and spent about five minutes trying to catch my breath with my hands on my knees.

Gosh I was out of shape.

Composing myself, I looked over at the still closed garage and felt a slimmer of hope shoot through me. Slowly I creeped up the stairs and opened the door. And my night started with a glass shattering next to my face.


The next day I was more than ready to get out of the house. Mom passed out drunk about three in the morning after her rampage and I got a solid three hours of sleep. It was amazing

She was more than happy to remind me exactly who put the roof over my head and provided my meals.

She was gone when I woke up so I had a relaxing morning. I had a poptart, brown sugar cinnamon. Then I got curious as to where cinnamon came from so I looked it up and apparently it comes from a tree in those little stick things which I thought was cool.


I walked slowly towards school in my skinny jeans and purple shirt I thought about just skipping a day. It isn't like it would hurt my grade that much. I mean, we are reading Romeo and Juliet in English for goodness sakes! I read that in sixth grade because I got bored!

So yeah, skipping wouldn't be the end of life as we know it.

And it's really nice out today. Yeah. I think I'll skip.

So just like that I turned on my heel and took of in the direction of the park.

No not the town park where all the stay at home moms bring their whiny brats everyday, my park. Which is just a path through the woods but whatever. It's pretty much home to me.

It takes about 15 minutes for me to arrive at the line of trees just behind the library.

Looking around to make sure no one is there, I took a deep breath and stepped through the trees and into my hideout.

This is one of those places that seem to be lost in time. The trees circled the small clearing thickly so that no one would be able to see in or out. The light filtered through the leaves and created a sort of filter that Instagram could never mimic. It makes me want to buy a high quality camera and just spend all day snapping pictures.

Sighing deeply in content, I walked the short distance to my favorite tree.

The tree was tall and strong, with branches reaching high into the air. The lowest branch was just where I could reach up and grab it so using the little muscle I do have I pulled myself up.

But I didn't stop there.

I kept climbing higher and higher until I was above the main tree line and the only thing left was me and the sky.

Leaning back against the trunk I stared at the endless blue before that had only a few clouds dotting the horizon.

Something about the sky made me small and peaceful. Like nothing could ever hurt me.

The wind moved my hair slightly and I thought about everything that had happened in the last week of my life because it sure had been a lot.

First someone actually stood up for me. Me! That has never happened before. And it wasn't just anyone either, it was Luke Matthews, star quarterback.

Then he just won't leave me alone. He walks with me to every class even though I don't talk to him or sometimes even acknowledge he is there.

And then there was Rachel and Casey, I've never met  anyone like Rachel before and Casey was really nice to me. I guess that's two more friends I never thought I would have.

What do you do when you have friends? Do you text and hang out and stuff?

I must be the worst friend in the world if that's the case. I don't have either of the girls' numbers and I didn't ask. And that was the first time I had hung out with any of them.

The only number I had was Luke's and only because he forced it on me. I would never be brave enough to text him though.

Speaking of Luke, I kind of just blew him off today, I told him I would see him later but then skipped school. What if he thinks I'm trying to avoid him or something?

No, Aubrey, stop being such a melodramatic teenage girl, he probably thinks you're sick or something completely reasonable like that.

Pushing those thoughts from my mind I pulled a thick, hard back book from my backpack and started to get lost in the sea of words taking me to another realm, another life.

Before I knew it was happening, the sun was setting and it was time to head home. Slowly and carefully I climbed down the tree and exited my sanctuary.

With one last look I set of down the sidewalk towards my prison.


I'm sorry.

Just thought I should start off with that.


That seemed appropriate next.

Yes, I want to thank you all for being so patient with me for not updating and leaving comments asking me to update because I see all of them and they help me get motivated.

I've been going through some stuff lately but it's pretty much all better. :)

I cut off all my hair recently too so if you guys want I can post a side by side of my old and new hair.

PLEASE tell me something you would like to see happen in the story, I've hit a road block and hearing what you guys think would help so so so so so so so so much.

Who is listening to Mind of Mine? I got my copy today as you can see if you follow my Instagram heather_soup.

Tell me what you guys have been up to! I'd love to hear it <3

Sorry this has been such a long authors note on such a long awaited (and very short/filler) chapter but thank you again for sticking with me.

Later lovebugs!

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