Chapter Nine

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As promised there is the before and after of my hair (^ν^)(sorry about my face and stuff but these are the only pictures I have of my hair when its down)

----------- Luke's POV

It's third hour and I am freaking out.

There really isn't much reason for it of I'm being honest, but I can't help it.

I haven't seen Aubrey all day. When I asked around (like the stalker I am) some kid in his class said he was absent, but I can't help but feel like there's something wrong.

I'm probably being unreasonable but I really don't care at this point.

My teacher continued to rattle on about something I could care less about while I sat in my chair bouncing my leg up and down.

I sat like that until the bell rang then I shot out of my seat like a bullet from a gun.

Walking into the lunch room I tried to convince myself to finish the day without going completely crazy.

Seeing the line stretched around the room for a piece of greasy pizza I decided I wasn't that hungry and walked over to the lunch table where Rachel had already set up camp with an array of Tupperware containers spread in front of her.

"Hey dork." She greeted me as I sat down, throwing an apple at me which I caught and took a large bite out of.

"Hey..." I mumbled through my mouthful, letting my backpack fall on the floor next to my feet.

"What's up with you?" She said, putting her sandwich down and tilting her head at me. I just shrugged and she laughed, "This wouldn't be about Aubrey not being here today would it?" She asked in a teasing voice, making me blush.

"He's probably fine." I reassured myself more than her, it just felt better to say it out loud.

"Exactly, so cheer up and eat your apple." She said with a nod, returning to her lunch, taking her time and eating slowly even though lunch was only 25 minutes long.

I raised my eyebrows but didn't say anything else just took another bite of the apple.


Lunch zoomed by with Rachel talking in my ear about the pointless school gossip the whole time to try and distract me. It was nice of her but it didn't help much.

I'm being so irrational I honestly don't know what's wrong with me sometimes.

I absentmindedly walked the halls to my next class, flowing through the throngs of people crowding the space with ease as they parted for me like the Red Sea.

Social hierarchy. I'll never understand. 

I paid about as much attention to my last few classes as I had the first ones. So none at all then it was finally  time to go home.

But Rachel did not seem to share my eagerness to abandon this place as she took her time removing her bag and tidying up her locker, all torturously slow and seemingly just to annoy me.

Her evil smirk confirmed my suspicion and made me roll my eyes in defeat.

I knew as well as she did that I would be scared to sleep at night if I left without her. She finally slammed her locker door and snapped the lock into place, giving it a few turns before swinging her backpack onto her shoulders and turning towards me with a happy grin.

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