Chapter Eleven

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Aubrey's POV 

I don't think I've ever been this excited for a day of school in my life. Is excited even the right word to use here? Nervous? Full of anticipation? I don't know. When it comes to that guy what little skills in conversation I have go flying out the window.

Ah, that guy. Who would have ever thought that I would be tutoring the school's quarterback? I certainly didn't. 

All of these thoughts and more were running through my head as I dressed myself and headed towards school the day after our meeting at the park. 

Entering the school building is probably the same as any other day, but for some reason it feels different. Maybe it is the knowledge that in eight hours I'll be sitting with Luke in the library doing math homework. Oh my gosh, I'm getting worked up about math homework. 

Most of my classes go like they usually do. Same stuff, different day and all that. As the end of the day got nearer, I found myself getting increasingly nervous. Luke texted me multiple times last night and this morning about where we would meet, for how long, and what we would work on. Texting was definitely easier than talking but I was still worried about saying the wrong thing. 

Suddenly the final bell of the day is ringing and I put all my books in my backpack. 

Because of how slow I am (probably because of my short legs) the hallways are nearly empty when I begin to make my way toward the library.

Finally, I reach the door. The only sound running through my ears is the beating of my heart as I grip the handle and take a deep breath before pulling the door open. 

I would like to say that the birds started singing and the glow of the afternoon light created an angelic glow throughout the room, but it was really just the chatter of a few students who were still there studying and the industrial lighting that is present in the rest of the school. 

Even so, when I spotted Luke's golden hair bent over a textbook I couldn't help but feel my pulse spike and a warm blush color my cheeks. 

How could anyone look so good reading a textbook?! 

I quietly shuffled over to the table where he was sitting and placed my things down across from him. He looked up at me and grinned. I swear my heart skipped a beat.

What is up with me? I don't act this way around anyone, you'd think I've never seen a good looking guy before. Well, to be fair, I don't think I've ever seen anyone this attractive.  Wow, that makes my life sound really sad. 

"Hey!" He said, still giving me the biggest grin I've ever seen. "Glad you could make it."

Where else would I go? 

I shyly smiled back at him and glanced down at his textbook for a moment before reaching down to get my own from my bag. How does one start a study session?

"So what are you struggling with?" I finally settled on, finding the courage to look back up at him only to see him frowning down at his textbook. 

He silently slides a worksheet towards me while tracing a line in the book. I turn the paper so the words are the correct way and see the unit number, opening my book to find it.

"How come the math book uses so man words yet none of them make any sense?" He asked suddenly, leaving me at a loss for words.

"Uhh..." I mutter, before turning the paper back towards him and pointing to the first question, "How would you start this one?" He furrows his brow and leans forward, gripping his pencil.

We continued like that, question by question, helping him work through it until he is able to solve them by himself. 

At some point I ended up moving to sit next to him so we would both be able to see. I sat on his left so every time I wrote something he would lean nearer to see around my hand, causing me to loose focus on the problem. 

Before I even realized it the time had passed and both of our books were closing and being put away. 

"So you understand a bit more now?" I asked only somewhat hesitantly. Over the course of our studying I had found myself opening up more and more, the words no longer eluding me as his easy going nature and infectious laughter helped me to relax. 

"Definitely. You explain it much better than a book." He said on a sigh, "We are going to have to do that at least once a week." He said, watching my face for a reaction.

I tried to keep the excitement from showing on my face but it obviously didn't work as he grinned and turned to start walking out. 

Blushing I followed after him. 

We silently walked through the empty halls, arms slightly brushing. I should probably move so we aren't walking so close but would that be too obvious? I decide to just let it be and enjoy the proximity. 

All too soon we reach the parking lot and are standing next to his car. 

"I suppose I can't convince you to let me give you a ride right?" He asks, making no move to get in once he unlocks the door, leaning against it facing me. 

"It's not far, I promise." I say with a shake of my head, ignoring the knot of guilt that comes with denying his request. 

After that we don't say anything for a moment, just looking at each other and the silence, surprisingly, isn't as uncomfortable as I feared.

He reaches his hand out, looking uncertain, and it finds its way to my shoulder.

"I'll text you ok, and see you tomorrow."

"Yeah." I say a little too strongly to hide my disappointment at the fact that I can't grab his hands. 

After another moment he steps back and gets in his car, waving as he pulls out. 

I sigh but can't shake the happy feeling that's settled over me and barely resist the urge to giggle and jump up and down. Even as I start walking home I feel a smile creeping up my face and a spring in myself. 

I guess I can be more excited for a day of school.


Hello hello yes it is me and I'm still alive miraculously. The usual drill, busy with school and life and the likes. Plus my computer has been MIA for a while now so that's the excuse I am going with.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2018 ⏰

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