Chapter Two

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I honestly couldn't believe it. Luke Matthews, the star quarterback, had stood up for me. Aren't all football players supposed to be homophobic jerks or whatever?

As I shuffled behind him towards the science class that I hadn't known we shared together I took a second to notice his tan skin and light brown hair shaved short on the sides that was so different than my own.

My hair was a boring black that I guess helped contribute to the whole 'emo' assumption. I kept it long because it was nice to be able to hide my eyes but also because I didn't really know how to cut it and there wasn't exactly anyone willing to take me at home.

I was still thinking of this when I found my seat in the middle of the class in science.

Not the front, that would prompt the teacher to call on me. And not the back where the troublemakers sat.

In the middle I could be present without being noticed. I could be there but be invisible.

That was something I tried to be good at, being invisible.

Being invisible meant less trouble.

The teacher came in to start her lesson and I opened my textbook to the right page but that was about as engaged as I got.

I was honestly just waiting for her to assign homework already, I knew all of this.

Out of the corner of my eye I spotted a familiar head. Slouching a little more, I turned my head and sure enough, there sat Luke, his head in one hand and a pencil in the other.

He was staring at his notebook like it held all the answers while he chewed on his pencil.

As if he sensed my eyes on him, he turned his head to look in my direction and smiled.

A blush covered my cheeks and I snapped my head down to my book again.

"Alright class, the homework is on the board, you can spend the rest of class talking but don't forget that the test over this is next week and if you want to pass I recommend you study the notes!" Our teacher said before sitting at her desk and leaving us to our own devices.

I pulled out my notebook and scribbled down the assignment before putting both it and my book away so I could do it at home.

I slouched in my seat and zoned out by listening to other peoples' conversations.

Apparently Beth was a whore, Jody slept with Kristen's boyfriend, and Charlie was gay.

I don't know how people came up with this stuff. Beth was Catholic with strict parents and standards, Jody and Kristen were not only cousins but both single, and Charlie had been with the same girl for two years now.

Another thing to add to the list of things I was good at, listening to people.

Wow Aubrey, the list was looking real impressive.

I was well into my boring thoughts when a body thumped down in the empty seat next to me.

My brown eyes snapped up and were met by a pair of dazzling blue ones.

"Hey." Luke said, flashing me a smile. I just stared at him like he had two heads before looking around at the others in the classroom.

Several people had stopped their conversations to look at this odd development, but most continued like nothing had happened.

"Can you talk?" Luke asked me, amusement dancing in his clear eyes. I felt my own widen slightly before I looked back down at my backpack sitting on the desk.

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