Wanna Dance With Somebody

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That's Zach ---------->

Cameron's Pov:

After we finished our breakfast we all ran upstairs into our rooms and changed out of pajamas as quickly as we can. I had all my cloths spread out onto my bed and floor trying to decided what to wear.

After a minute or two of contemplating on what to wear I finally decided on wearing a black button down shirt, with some gray skinny jeans, a gemstone cross necklace and a couple of bracelets I had laying around.

Next I tried to fix my hair up after realizing that I still had my bed head. Not a pretty sight if I have to say so. After another couple of minutes I finally got my hair to look good and not pop out every which way and headed down stairs.

As I had reached the last step down the stairs I hear Michael yelling my name. So I hurried up and ran out the door of the house to see Michael and Zach standing outside of the car. "Come on Cam we're going to be late!!" Michael screams at me as he hops into the car.

I ran to the car and dived onto the seats of the chair head first landing on Michael. "Dude!" Michael says but I didn't even have time to say sorry because instantly I started to crack up laughing. Then I heard the car door slamming shut. "Your so childish Cameron." Zach says laughing along with me.

"Hey I'm what keeps you guys from having boring lives." I say still laughing. I don't get why I'm still laughing but I just couldn't stop.

At this moment Zach and Michael start to crack up laughing to. But I think that's 'cause I was acting like an idiot and looked funny the way I was laughing.

We must have been laughing for a long time cause we soon pulled up into the parking lot of our managements building. As I got out of the car I was blinded by the sun. Why does it have to be sunny out so early in the morning. As we enter the building I asked the guys, "Guys do we really need to be here so early in the day?"

"Stefanie and Richard have something apparently very important to tell us so we had to come early. So relax ok.?" Michael said. Stefanie Reines and Richard Reines our two managers that have helped us out a lot with our music and getting famous. We are very grateful to them both.

What's so important that they have to tell us? Why do we have to show up at 9 in the morning for it? God I love them and all but I'm so tired that I'm still half asleep. As we walk into the elevator to bring us up to the 4th floor where we are meeting our managers Zach jumps onto my back and starts to sing I Wanna Dance With Somebody extremely loud into my hear.

"What are you doing??" I said. I tried to get him off my back but when I let go of his legs that I didn't even know I was holding on to he wrapped his legs around my hips and started to sing louder. "Oh I wanna dance with somebody I wanna feel the heat with somebody. Yeah I wanna dance with somebody with somebody who loves me. Want that wild, clumsy heart, I want someone to love. Kick the pedal to the floor like we're both on a run." Zach sang at the top of his lungs. Video of song ----->

"What the hell Zach?!" Michael said covering his wars. "Why are you doing this?" After Michael says that the elevator door dings and Zach snaps out of it and stops singing. But I still had his legs wrapped around my hips. As we get out of the elevator I said, "Are you gonna get off my back too or only stop singing?" with a sigh.

"Nah your to comfortable to let go." Zach said with a smile.

"Argh fine. You win."

"YAY! I tamed the Cammy beast!" he said laughing.

"Now I'm a beast?! I'm not afraid to slam you into that wall to get you of my back, that is if I need to." I said smirking.

"That's not a nice thing to say Cameron. You might hurt Zach's feelings." Stefanie said while leaning against the door to the room we were suppose to meet them in.

"Whatever." I said with a laugh.

"Zach come on, get off of Cameron. You had your fun, now we have to get down to business. So come on and sit down on a chair instead." Stefanie said.

"Okay." Zach said while pouting. Aww look at Zach. that is so cute acting like a little baby that doesn't get to eat his dessert.

"So what did you call us here for? New song?" Michael said to Richard and Stefanie drawing my attention.

"Well...." It was Richard who answered, "We have great news!"

"What?" We all said in unison.

"You know how we wanted to get more singers and bands to feature on some of you guys' new songs...well.." Richard said stretching the word well to make suspense. "We found a great new band to be the featuring people on your new songs! They are the hottest thing right now! Their name is Union J." Richard says while waving his hand towards the door where now stood four boys.

I was so surprised when I saw the four boys standing at the door. Are they all singers? The first one that I noticed was a boy with long wavy hair that almost looked like curls. He was smiling so big and it was just the cutest thing I saw. Next to him was a boy who had a nice puff of hair on the top of his head and his hair shaved on the sides and back. But my eyes traveled to what he was wearing, a light light blue V-neck shirt and baggy black pants only being held up by a black leather woven belt. Then my eyes had traveled to the third boy who had gorgeous forest green eyes that were just so mesmerizing when you looked into them. My eyes also caught some of his tattoos. So a bad boy huh! I smiled at what I thought.

"Hi we're Union J." The last boy said snapping me out of my thoughts. Man I have to stop drifting off with my thoughts. He was the tallest out of the four, not that much taller, but still noticeably taller. He had the same hair as the second boy but the tips of the hair at the top of his head were stuck together. Now he's hot, I thought. He had the most beautiful eyes out of all four of them. He had blue eyes that looked like a combination of the ocean and a clear summer sky. It was intoxicating to look at.

"Hi we're AllStar Weekend. Nice to meet you." Michael said waving to us and breaking me away from the trance the fourth guys eyes had on me.

"Well introduce yourselves. You guys aren't kids anymore. Come on." Stefanie said.

There was an awkward silence before one of the boys from Union J said, "Um I guess I'll start then."

"Thank you!" Stefanie said happy that the silence is now gone.

"Well..um..hi my name is George." The boy with curly hair said while waving. Aww how cute he's so shy.

"Hi I'm JJ. I love to eat." The second boy with the buffy light blue tee said more confidently then George.

"Hi I'm Michael. It's very awesome to meet you guys."

"I should say the same. Hello I'm Jaymi." The third boy with the gorgeous forest green eyes.

"Hi I'm Zach. I like to sing!" He said which got a chuckle out of me.

"I'm Josh and I'm' proud!" The last boy with blue eyes said, making us all start to laugh.

"So what's your name." George said will laughing and looking at me.

"I'm Cameron but you can call me Cam for short. Saved the best for last am I right." I said making everyone even Stefanie and Richard break out laughing. I think I'm going to like these guys!

Hey guys hope you liked and as I promised it's longer :) I really want to continue this story but I don't know if I should. What do you guys think. Vote, comment, or just continue to read BYEE XD

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