Dance Forever

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Hello my little ones XD thanks for the reads and votes. I'm sorry its been so long but exams are coming up for me so I haven't had time to update but I'm gonna try to upload more often. For those that continue to read this story I give ya lots of love (hugs everyone)

Look their soo cute ----->

Zach Pov:

"Michael, you knew that they know him?" JJ said still looking at josh suffocating me and Cameron in a hug.

"No I just found out as we were leaving management. I'm as dub founded as you. How do you guys know each other?" Michael said looking at JJ first that to us.

"Well....should we tell them?" I said looking back and forth between Cameron and Josh.

"Sure its not a secret." Josh said. I nodded.

"Um ok well, me and Cameron always knew each other, right?" I said seeing if they're following. They nodded. "Okay well what you don't know is that it was actually Josh that had made me and Cameron friends in the first place. When we were younger me and Cameron had gone to the same school but we never actually looked at or talked to one another. One of the reason of course being I was 1 year older but there were other reasons too. Anyway, during summer vacation when I was 7 and Cameron was 6 Josh had moved into our neighborhood. Now at that time I didn't know that Cameron had lived on my street, but Josh had become my new neighborhood."


It was just the beginning of summer vacation and I was stuck sitting in my house because I didn't have anyone to hangout with.

I was watching cartoons when I heard my mother scream. Being afraid something bad happened to her I ran out of our living room and into our kitchen where my mom was holding her hands to her cheeks.

In my opinion I thought my mom was beautiful with her dirty blond hair that went down to the middle of her back and her thin figure, that made her look like she was fragile. Trust me though she is very strong, her punches could kill if she tried. She has these perfect light blue with a gray cover as her eye color. Which is were I got my eye color from. "What's wrong mom?!" the worry showing in my voice.

"Huh? Oh i'm sorry sweetie nothing is wrong," she said turning around to look at me, making her light blue dress sway with her. "I just got excited hearing that we're getting our new neighbors finally. That house was a sore to look at, being so empty and all. Oh and not to mention they have a boy your age to, so now maybe you'll get out of the house." My mom said in one breath, putting her hand on her hips.

"How did you know we got new neighbors?" I said.

"oh well your dad said that when he went to get the paper this morning he saw moving people bringing boxes into the house." That's when I had realized that my dad was in the kitchen too. He was different from my mom he had light brown hair that was cut short and stuck to his head and dark brown eyes with glasses over them. I got my hair from him.

"We are going to go over to them and welcome them to the neighborhood tonight. They're throwing a little party to get to know everyone in the neighborhood. So I expect you to be on your best behavior because your mom and me have to look after your brother." My dad said. I nodded.

I won't lie I'm pretty excited for this party, I mean I finally get to get outside!

That night

"Come on Zachary let's go!" my mom said. I ran down the stairs trying to take two at a time, though failing on the last step and falling on my face. "Oh my god are you ok Zachy-poo!" My mom said.

I got up to my feet while fixing myself up and nodded at her. "Oh that's good sweetie." Not a second after that she had burst out laughing. I look at her in disbelief.

Zameron Love Not Seen (Book 1)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora