Can't Sleep Tonight

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Zach and Cameron at one of there concerts...just had too XD ------>

Zach's Pov:

I was awoken with a loud scream I'm my ears. I rocketed up into a sitting position on my bed while rubbing my ear. It hurt like hell! I could literally fell my ear start to shake if that's possible. Finally when my ear stopped ringing I looked to see who's funeral I was going to go to today. If you couldn't tell I was going to kill them, just a forewarning. To my surprise I saw George stand next to my bedside with that big cute smile on his face and playing with his hands. I didn't expect him to yell to wake someone up, or let alone yell.

"Why did you do that?" I asked.

"Well we're leaving to go out to eat now." he said in a slit whisper.

"Oh ok...wait why did you have to yell in my ear? I'm still in pain." I asked joking the last part but he frowned, not getting that I was joking.

"Well you wouldn't wake up." He whispered a little lower this time, this time looking at his hands. He must of thought I was yelling at him.

"You could of just punched me in the arm or something and I'm not yelling at you." I told him as I was getting of my bed and heading to my bathroom to fix myself up. That's right I have a bathroom and yes I do fix myself up. Sorry guys but pretty don't come natural to me.

When I got into the bathroom I saw that my hair was sticking up in all different ways and I even had some dried drool on my face. Ew! As I was fix my hair up and washing the drool off my face George came into the bathroom and I asked, "How long was I out?"

"About an hour."

"An hour?!? Why didn't you guys wake me up sooner?" I said screaming at him.

"Uh...well JJ wanted you to have some time to rest." George said looking down at the floor shaking. Aww no I scared him! Argh why did I have to yell!

"Um tell them I'm coming down, ok?" He nodded and left with a hurry. I feel bad now I'm gonna have to talk to him about it later. Argh why am I messing things up! I finished fixing myself up and changed my cloths then headed down stairs. I was meet with a 6 loud mouths talking a screaming, like this isn't ear pinching either.

Then I spotted them standing next to one another talking. I don't know if Cameron and Josh are dating but I don't care because either way they were kissing for some reason and I couldn't stand seeing it. I mean I just realized my feeling for Cameron, but only when this happened. I'm pissed at them! I know I should be depressed but I don't roll that way.

I looked to JJ and mouthed a Thanks and he nodded at me with a smile.

"Ok we all ready to get some food?" Jaymi screamed.

"Hell yeah!!" Michael and George said together fist pumping the air. We all left on that note.


After we order our food I stood up from our table and excused myself to the restroom. I walked into the restroom and made sure no one was around. I looked at myself in the mirror and thought am I not attractive enough for you? I'm suppose to be mad and hate you guys? Here I am in a restaurants bathroom looking in the mirror and still thinking about how to attract your attention. Even though I know I'll never get it.

"Hey man you ok?" I jumped at the sudden voice I heard and I looked in the mirror to see JJ standing in front of the know closed door. Why is he bothering me? He's a good guy but I just need to be alone right now and he ain't helping.

"Yeah I'm fine." I answered strongly.

"Are you sure 'cause you look sick to your stomach and pissed. You also have been in her for 10 min. just so you know."

Zameron Love Not Seen (Book 1)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu