Come Down With Love

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Sorry it took so long it wouldn't upload for some reason but luckily this time it uploaded. YAY! Fist pumps the air. Hope you enjoy it.

George, JJ, Josh, and Jaymi ---->

Zach's Pov:

"Hey you guys are funny." George said when we all finally stopped laughing.

"Thanks, you guys are too." Cameron said.

"Well now that that's settled, you guys can leave now and head back home. We need to talk to Union J for a bit." Richard said to us.

"Okay." me, Cameron, and Michael said at the same time. Weird O.o

"Oh before I forget Union J is also going to stay at your place as well because it would be a great chance to get to know one another and I've also come to understand that you one extra bed room, correct?" We nod. "Well then I tell you the rooming arrangement because I don't want any fighting or whatever you guys would do, Jaymi will stay with George in the guest bed room, Josh will stay with Cameron in his room, and lastly JJ will be staying in Zach's room. Before you say anything yes I am sending for extra beds so no one has to share one. You all got that?" Both us and Union J nod in agreement. "Good now go on and go home."

On that note me, Cameron, and Michael all head out of the room and down the hall to the elevator to leave. When we got to the elevator and the doors closed behind us Cameron looked towards me and yelled

"Oh my god Zach it was Josh! Our best friend Josh! We haven't seen him in like forever. Aren't you excited to see him?"

He looked so cute right now with that big smile on his face the happiness showing all over him, it was just so beautiful. His gorgeous forest green eyes that were coated in a light grey color that would sparkle when the sun hit them now sparkled from happiness. His cheek bones rising up from how big his smile was.

I'll admit I'm a little jealous because he use to look like that whenever he became happy with me. I mean Josh was our best friend and all but I can't stand that its Josh that is now making him feel this way. I don't understand why I feel like this.

"HELLOOO!!!" I heard a loud scream in my ear.

"What?!!" I screamed back while rubbing my ears.

"It's time to get out of the elevator. God you were really zoned out if you didn't hear the elevator ding. What where you thinking about? Oh and not to mention you never answered my question." Cameron said while dragging me out of the elevator.

"Nothing just thinking how awesome our songs will sound now with some new voices." I said with a smile, I mean I can't tell him that I was thinking about him and how I was saying he looked cute. He might distance himself from me. Then I realized something. "Wait what was your question?"

"The question where I asked if you were excited to see Josh again after all this time. Geez I think your finally losing it." He said laughing at me.

"I'm not losing it, I'm just a thinker that has a high quality of knowledge that allows me to think about things without being interrupted. So bite me." My friend always says bite me so I just had to put it in XD love ya girl anyways back to the story. "But yeah to answer your question I am happy he's coming back and that he gets to sing with us."

"Ok you seriously need to stop reading so much and you know I hate it when you use big words, even if I do understand them!"

"Haha dumby!" I said laughing at him. "Oh come on don't pout."

"Whatever man just get in the car already." Cameron said while still pouting. In all honesty it was the most adorable look ever.

Conscious: You love him don't you

Zameron Love Not Seen (Book 1)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang