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I chose this song because it goes best with the chapter but with the exception that its not a relationship on the line it a friendship.

Cameron Pov:

We were all helping each other unpack in the rooms that Josh, JJ, George, and Jaymi were assigned to and the atmosphere in the house just felt so calm. With no noise except the movement of cloths. It was calming. I couldn't ask for anything else, well except for a handsome boy hugging me right now. I let out a small laugh and was then greeted with arms wrapping around my waist. I turn my head to look up at him. His eyes were filled with happiness and passion. I couldn't help but smile at him, all our memories together came back to me in a rush.

"I've missed you so much it hurt. I couldn't stand being away from you anymore!" Josh proclaimed to me. He was shaking now and I couldn't talk it anymore, I removed myself from his arms and turned around.

"I've missed you so much too." I said with a smile and I cubed his face with both my hands. He had closed his eyes and leaned into my touch. Oh how much I've missed hiss touch. His soft cheeks rubbing against my hands. My heart fluttered with the action.

"I missed your touch so much, your soft hands the most." He said with a smile. Josh then took my hand from his face and pulled it back down but kept my hand in his and I blushed at the action.

"Your so cute when you blush you know." He said while leaning down close to my face with his hand now cubing my right cheek.

"We can't." I said, "What if someone see's we'll be exposed and who knows what will happen, I mean something bad will happen. We might lose our friends, mess up the bands, or even ruin our own relationship and I can't risk losing you. So we have to be careful and not carefree." I finished in one breath. He just frowned.

"I love you to much so please let us worry about those thing when it happens. I just want to be with you. We've been apart far to long." He said while pulling me into a hug. I won't lie, it felt so right to have him holding my. He was warm and solid against me, as though he was my rock that kept me grounded. Corny I know right but it was true, every last word. He buried his face into my neck. I bit my lip, he was right it has been to long I need him.

"Ok I really want you to kiss me right now I can't hold it anymore you were right." I said.

He looked up from my neck and let out a sigh of relief. "Thank goodness." I couldn't help but smile at that. He really does love me is all I could think of. Then it hit me, his lips pressing gently on mine. It was just the perfect kiss, the kiss I needed right now. I pushed my lips against his becoming more aggressive. I I wanted him. As if sensing this he deepened our kiss even more with passiveness and demand. He licked my bottom lip asking for access and I granted him that access. I opened my mouth and he plunged his tongue into my mouth with so much force. I missed this so much. His taste was so mesmerizing.

Then I heard it, someone yelling surprise and I pulled away from josh's tight grip on my hips and mouth. I looked over to the door and saw Zach standing there with his mouth hanging open. My eyes grew wide in horror. NO! NO! This can't be happening not now. Oh please let him not see that. But of course I wasn't so lucky.

"Zack.." I tried to talk to him, try to explain myself as I saw the horror in his eyes.

" Um we're going out to eat so get ready." He said with sadness in his voice and cutting me off. With that he left, shutting the door lightly.

"He saw us...he hates us now." I said looking at josh, "Right?"

"No we're his best friends he can't hate us." Josh said a little shaky. I just stared at him to shocked to move from his gaze. I could only beg that Zach wouldn't hate us now.


Zach's Pov:

I held the door knob in my hand for a little while after I closed it. I couldn't believe what I saw...were Cameron and josh dating? If so why wouldn't they tell me, I mean their suppose to be my best friends. I care for both of them so much so it hurts a lot for them to both be lying to me, not telling me whatever that was was going on. 

I finally let go of the door knob and walked down the hall back to my room. I just want this to be a dream and everything go back to normal. I want to wake up and have all this go away to not be true. I sat on my bed, dragging my hands through my soft brown hair. Why was Cameron kissing him I don't understand. Why am I feeling betrayed all of a sudden.

Conscious: I tried to tell you something bad was gonna happen

Me: I do love him and I just lost him before I could have him

Conscious: I'm sorry but its the hard truth

Me: Please just leave me

There was a knock on my door now. Oh my god can't I be left alone, I need to think out my feelings but I can't seem to have time of my own to do that even after all these years. "Who is it?" I said kind of harshly.

"It's JJ." I didn't say anything so he continued. "I saw you rush in here is everything ok? Can I come in?" He asked.

"It's your room too now so I don't care." I said bitterly. The door opened and JJ walked, I noticed that he was wearing black jeans with a blue and white plaid hoody, a sliver cross hanging around his neck. "I'm sorry for sounding so mean." I said.

"It's ok man don't worry, but will you tell me way you were mean." He asked but I just shook my head. "Ok if you say so." JJ said sitting on the bed next to me.

"Where are we going out to eat." I said trying to change the subject. But he only smiled at me.

"That's a surprise for all of you guys." JJ said still holding on to the mischievous smile and frankly it's starting to scare me. I nodded to what he said.

"Ok than I'm off." He than got off the bed and started to head to the door.

"Where are you going?" I asked a little nervous for his answer.

"Well I'm only going to help Michael in the kitchen hun." He said smirking. Wait did he just call me hun, oh hell no. I smiled back.

"Sorry I'm just over protective sweetie." A few seconds past then we both broke out laughing. I really needed something like this to distract me and I'm thankful for JJ right now making me laugh in all.

"Your funny man, I think this is a beautiful start to our relationship." He said.

"Aww sweetie I'm so glad you think that." I said smiling and with that he left to go down stairs and I was stuck with my thoughts again. Argh I just don't want to think about this. I tried with all my heart to forget what I saw but I couldn't so I decided to stop my heart broken hopes and go to sleep for a few before we leave, and with that I dozed off.

Zameron Love Not Seen (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now