Chapter 4 - Lightless

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Midnight wasn't the most convenient time to meet, but it was the safest.

Shade waited in his usual tree branch, surveying the darkened ground with one leg dangling under him as he lounged against the trunk. It wasn't long until Dusk's tall figure appeared between the trees. As Dusk passed beneath, Shade kicked himself off the branch, landing softly before falling into stride with his friend.

"No surprise attacks tonight?" asked Dusk. "No scaring the life out of me with a torch?"

"I have to keep you prepared somehow," said Shade. "Didn't you say someone else would be joining us?"

Dusk opened the hidden tunnel with the integrated crystal-pattern recognition tech they'd paid through the nose for with stolen crystalite. "He wasn't at the meeting spot."


"He isn't the most punctual of individuals, from what I've been told."


The tunnel opened up into the familiar dark room. Most Radiants wouldn't have stepped inside with their ease, but they were long past that. Both of them had long since outgrown that natural-born fear, but they still needed light to see by. Shade set about lighting the well-worn lantern as Dusk set up the platforms, dumping his rucksack on the ground in the middle of the room.

"We might have to get this replaced soon," said Dusk as the lantern came to life. "One of the platforms has a crack."

"I'll keep an eye out next time I'm in a city," said Shade. "Do you--"

The door slammed open. Shade's sword was in his hand, his position shifted to place himself between Dusk and the newcomer before the lantern revealed the newcomer's cloth-wrapped face.

"That's the guy we're expecting," said Dusk, completely unconcerned. "Shade, meet Ink."

Shade lowered his sword, but he didn't sheathe it. "Nice of you to join us, Ink."

"I got here as soon as I could!" said Ink, words muffled by the facewrap. "Getting out of the League is harder than you'd think at midnight. Not all of us can do what we please, we have--"

"Enough," said Dusk. "You two might want to keep it civil, considering you might end up working together at some point. Ink, I'll ignore the fact that you're late for now. Report."

"They brought in another one."

"Another full-blood?" asked Dusk.

Ink nodded. "From what I heard, she's going to go into the cure research team, even if she's young."

"How old?"

"I'd say barely seventeen."


"Typical full Radiant. Violet hair, iridescent skin in the sunlight, large heart crystal, and I counted at least five crystal patterns on her skin. It wouldn't be hard to assume that there's another two hidden under her clothes."

"A Radiant's crystal patterns often develop in places most exposed to sunlight," said Dusk. "So I wouldn't assume anything. Eyes?"

"Normal, but she wasn't using Light when I saw her."

"Hm," said Dusk. "They wouldn't bring her onto the cure team unless they were sure she was full-blooded. The update is appreciated. Did she arrive with anyone?"

"Only Asriel."

Dusk nodded. "If she's a full-blood, there won't be anything we can do to help her, but we'll keep half an eye on her until we're sure." He flicked his wrist, checking the time on his watch. It'd taken Shade longer than he cared to admit to track that watch down. Humans loved powered things with crystalite, but it didn't suit their cause. "It's almost time. You two can stay in the corner and listen if you wish, but I'll have you on watch duty for the next fortnight if you interrupt anything."

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