How you guys kiss

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I can't wait for raw....ummm this pick is life..I loved when this happen.

Brothers by day, Brothers by night!

John cena

John usually pecks you. Both of you don't like walking down the street and seeing so many people grind and make out so why should you do that. When you do have time it ids usally at home and you love it when he kisses you.

Dean Ambrose

Dean makes out with you anytime anywhere.

Roman reigns

Roman kisses you on the cheek most of the time, you sometimes want him to kiss him on the lips but it's once in a lifetime and that is what you love about him.

Seth Rollins

Seth kisses you everywhere and you love it, it just shows how much affection you have towards each other.

Cm punk

Punk kisses you on the forehead and he is gentle. 

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