What your thankful for...

926 18 4

11-20-16 The day my heart exploded!!!

Randy Orton

Randy is thankful for having you in his life to calm him down, to cook him fucking delicous food, and to be the greatest step mama to his daughter Alana.

Dean Ambrose

Dean is thankful for just having you. Dean know that it's hard to be handled with but he knows that LOVE will always be there between you two.

Roman Reings

Roman is thankful for all the food you cook. He so happy that you're a hands on learner. When he taught you how to make other samoan meals. You learned it like that! That was thw day he loved you more.

John Cena

Johns thankful for how you love his family. No body ever loved how crazy his family was...That was until you came a long....

Baron Corbin

Baron is thankful for how you are just too sweet to him. He hates when you are always sweet. He just wants you to be you.

Seth Rollins

He's thankful that he found you before anyone else did. He can't believe he found you in wrestling, that your just perfect for him, and you people have everything in common.

CM Punk

He says it so many times.....He is so thankful for the love you have fior batman and comics. He loves how you love comics!!!

Jeff Hardy

He is thankful for the way you paint! He loves how you make beautiful pictures and sculptures. It makes his heart pump.

Tyler Breeze

He is thankful for the way you don't wear makeup that often. He hates seeing your face caked with makeup. It a way of saying that your beautiful the way you are.


Request Open!

Guys, I need new ideas! I am running out of them! I can only think of some when its like a holiday or something.

Please PM if you have an idea, or leave it in the comments.

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