Chapter 3: He Wants Too.. Huh?!

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Cammie sighed and grabbed her phone, course she wanted Skype there and not on her computer to destroy its memory and data. She stared at the name... BumBum. Making a face of confusion,  she accepted the call and looked fighting a huge laugh. His pink hair was what got her attention, he looked like a dipped strawberry ice cream with the top bit off and the dark chocolate color all around the bottom still. She saw his sharp bearded jawline, then she looked and saw his deep brown eyes... she was impressed.  Then she saw a smile come upon his face,' that's a first..' she thought.  No guy ever smiled at her like that, well except Jack but he did it to tease. Seeing him continue to stare with that smile she rose an eyebrow.

" So... Markiplier? "

" Yeah. But they call me Mark."

Cammie was thrown back, his voice was voluptuous, deep, and amazing. Shaking her head, she had to keep it together, flashing a smile she saw him turn a shade of pink.

" what did you need to speak about to me... wait.... English not good rewind..."

" you mean why I wanted to privately speak to you?" Mark said laughing softly running his hand through his hair.

" yeah that! " Cammie said chuckling" whatcha need?"

" First. Compliment. You? Gorgeous. Everything Jack said about you? Damn well true. Second I want to do a collaborative video with you.".

" Jack wh... JACK!!!" She yelled in embarrassment hearing him laugh" YOU DICK! WHAT I SA... Wait what?!"

" I wanna do a Let's Play together." Mark said smiling watching her" I laughed nonstop at you're Hunie Pop and I knew you were the one I needed to do a video with."

" Mark I am really flattered. But.. why me? I just gained.. I dunno that damn word I hate.."Cammie said sighing.

" yeah" He said nodding with a smile" I hate it too. But how's about we have some lunch together and talk. Consider a lunch date. . Wait oh god... I didn't mean.. fuuuccckkk!!!"

Cammie busted out laughing and turned pink as she watched the man called Markiplier bury his face in his pillow screaming with embarrassment. She couldn't help but feel some joy, it was nice to see a guy be this flustered but it was strange it was over.

" anyway!" Mark said blushing" Yeah.. lunch date? Today? I seen you're profile you're from L.A so.. FannieCammie? How's about it?"

" you stalking me now?" Cammie laughed blushing " or just captured by my charm Mr. Iplier?"

"Never know." He said with a wink a smile forming." See you at 3. Meet me by Fancy's."

Chapter 3 is done!!! So mark sparked feelings? Dunno we will sew!- Crisiplier!

Gaming To Her Heart: A Markiplier Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now