Chapter 4: Did He Just. ..

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    Cammie stood by Fancy's 3 hours early. Why? To retouch up her crimson red highlights and green tone. Plus she wanted to make sure she looked ok, considering that this Markiplier guy made her feel.. What was the term?  Giddy? Yeah? Ok Giddy.

  " Hey Cam Cam ready to be touched up?" Lacy said smiling drapping the cover around Cammies body.

" Yes ma'am! Apparently I got a lunch date!" Cammie laughed softly sitting straight.

" Awww!!! That's what Mark was just telling me!!!!" She said smiling giddy as she applied the red to the lightened orange areas.

" Mark?!?! Mark who?!" She stated confused.


Cammie seen Lacy take a step aside with a smile to reveal... Mark... ' Offfff Course he comes to Fancys... Great.'. Raising an eyebrow at him she seen his cheek flush pink as she fought the laughter at the pink mess on his head covered in bubble gum pink dye.

" Lacy... that's my lunch date.." Cammie said cracking up.

" Oh Mark!" Lacy said smiling playfully slapping his arm moving Cammie beside him" why did you not say it was my sister!"

"Cause I didn't know!" Mark laughed blushing,  he kept his eyes fixed on Cammie and smiled.

" Are you trying to flirt with me?!"

"Am I?"

" Don't try Jack's move... it will not work!"

" What won't work?"
" you doing this!"

" what am I doing?" He smirked watching her.

" I hate youuuu!!! MaaaaaGoooddddd!!!" Cammie said frustrated" what date frustrates his date!?! Huh wha-"

Cammie stopped turning four shades of pink, she lowered her head to her hand and saw that Mark was holding it. She didn't know what to do, his touch shut her up quick and never a man's touch has done this!! Blushing, she turned her eyes back up to him to see his face inches from hers.

" How's about make this a date? " Mark asked smiling she saw his charm flushing through" get to video collaboration later?"

" Date?! Wait... but Jacko did tell you I-" Cammie began.

She froze. His lips... were on hers, ' WHADDAFFUUUUKKKK!!!' she screamed in her head as the whole business went into loud "awes". ' He's kissing me!!! I'm not stopping him!!!! Why?!?!?! '. Then she felt herself softly press hers against his, ' CAMMIE NICOLE GHALE!?!?! STOP!!! '. She kept screaming this in her head but, she couldn't stop. Feeling him pull away, she saw him bite his lip and smiled holding her pink with his.

" you.... you just..." she stammered blushing" I just... "

" you were flustered." Mark said smiling gently swaying they're hands"so I only did what I knew would calm a lady. "

" by kissing??!?"she stated angry

" do you need a second dose?" He teased smiling and winked at her.

"!" She stuttered blushing hard.

" ok ok love birds! " Lacy said laughing and smiling with joy" time to rinse and let you guys go on that date huh?"

" Alright"Mark said smiling getting up and heading to the washing station.

"Cammie..." Lacy said softly stopping her and gave that motherly smile she always gave to her sister." He's a good man... You remember our cousin Daniel? What he told you?"

His name... drove a stake through her heart.. Tears formed as she looked at Lacy.

" That one good soul would find me when I least." Cammie began and choked out" j..just wash my hair out Lace.. "

Chapter 4 oh how you leave us hanging!  So Mark kissed Cammie! They just met too! Is it more than video collaboration he wants? Dunno but Chapter 5 holds answers!!! - Crisiplier!

Gaming To Her Heart: A Markiplier Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now