Chapter 7: Now What?

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(Hey guys this chapter is all Mark and Jack so be ready!)

Mark Pov:

'Fuck! What did we just do?!?!' He thought as he stood leaning against Cammies counter watching her sleep soundly on the sofa.. ' I let urges attack her! But didn't she attack me too?'.

Shaking his head, Mark ran his fingers through his hair and sighed heavily. How the hell was he going to explain this? Explain to himself he was a sexual deviant, a man who felt he forced his body onto her? Grabbing his hair tight, he fought the urge to scream.

"I gotta talk to Jack. There's just no denying this. " Mark stated as he pulled his phone out and texted Jack.

Mark: Jaccckkk!!! I did bad!!!

Jack: what the fuck you talking about? What do you mean bad?

Mark: you know that new youtuber who became famous overnight? Cammie?

Jack: Oh yeah!!! Cammie! I know her! Why?

Mark: wait how do you know her?!

Jack: lol Dude that's my best friend.

Mark frozen and let out a loud "I'm fucked" groan as he stared at the word.. " Best Friend".

" oh now whatcha gonna do Markimoo!" Mark whispered hating himself" what If Jack has a thing for her!" He looked seeing a second text from Jack.

Jack: What'd you do Mark? You make her cry? Ya better not have!

Mark: no... didn't make her cry..

Jack: oh well! Whatcha do then? Kiss her? Lol

Mark: well that..

Jack: that? That wasn't the only thing? What else did ya do.. Mark! You did not!

Mark: Jack... relax... don't get mad..

Jack: where the fuck are ya both?

Mark: Her apartment...

Mark groaned and knew the worse was coming, he didnt know what Jack would do! Pacing, his attention was turned to the front door opening to see the bright green hair of Jack standing there with a sour tone on his face. He saw him motion for him outside, and he obeyed knowing the worse... was now.

"Have you lost yer fuckin' mind! " Jack snapped shoving Mark into the wall his arm pinning his chest to keep him from running" Do ya know what that girlgirl's been through! "

" Jack it was.. we got heated" Mark began in panic

" No you listen," he stated danger in his voice his finger in Marks face" I've been there when this girl got thrown down a pair of metal stairs, punched in the fuckin' mouth breaking her teeth, At the hospital when she was brutality stabbed and! There when I helped the girl escape! Mark Fischbach... ima tellin' you. Bro to bro, if you did this to mess with her heart, to make her trust you, to only just want a piece of ass I will end you! I've protected her for 8 years! I made sure she was who she is now! Ill fuckin' end you! Ill-"

" I fell for her Jack.." Mark said softly cutting him off" that first Skype... I kissed her at Fancys because I wanted to know what I was feeling was right.. and it was... the sex wasn't planned. She attacked me and I couldn't stop the urge.. I made love to my soulmate tonight Jack... haven't you, Bob & Wade said yo find the one?"

" yeah but not fuckin' em the first meeting! " Jack snapped and whispered angrily" did you protect yourself? Hmm? Made sure ya didn't make her a mother!"

" Whoa.. shit... aw crapolla! No!" Mark said mortified" we were too heated!"

Mark heard Jack slam his hand against the wall furious, it seemed obvious he was like the brother she needed but wayy too protecting. Seeing Jack look at him sour, Mark felt the fury.

" Well ya idiot! " he snapped" Now what?"

( chapter 7 ends! What has Mark done now! Jacks pissed! Is it because his love for Cammie? Or his brotherly instinct? We will find out!! In chapter 8!!!!!- Crisiplier! )

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