Chapter Eleven: The Wind

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I opened up the door and waltzed into the dining room to find all the boys sitting down at the table. After Jenson had left, I had changed into one of my new outfits. It was a blue polka dotted shirt dress. They glanced up at me as I entered, and Blake dropped his fork making it fall onto the glass plate with a thud. I stepped back surprised at the gawking before Ryder smirked, "Hey sexy."

The boys laughed and Grasshopper looked at Ryder, "She sexy."

"Grass don't say that," Chase muttered, eating his steak.

"She's pretty," Kip smiled at me. I smiled back and ruffled his hair, before sitting down in my seat.

"Aria, there you are! Meet the rest of my sons," Mrs. Woods greeted, walking in. She was followed by five other boys. One with brown scruffy hair and green eyes. "Hi I'm Dant'e," he greeted, sticking out his hand.

"Aria," I introduced, standing up and shaking his hand.

"Now Dant'e ,here, is the one who is married," Mrs. Woods reminded me.

"I remember," I smiled, "Congratulations by the way."

He smiled back and said, "Thanks."

A short blonde haired boy walked up next, pushing aside his older brother. His blue eyes sparkled with amusement as he extended his hand toward me, "I'm Nick."

I shook his hand as Mrs. Woods went on, "He's the one that recently got engaged."

"Oh yeah, when's your wedding?" I asked.

"July 15th," he told me.

"Aw, congratulations to you as well."

"Thanks," he smiled, his dimples showing.

The next boy to walk up had long brown hair and dark brown eyes. "I'm Max. A blonde wavy haired boy wrapped his arm around his big brother's shoulder and laughed, "I'm Luke."

"I'm Jace," said the last boy, who had blonde curly hair and bright green eyes.

"Nice to meet you all," I smiled, sitting back down.

"You too," they said, nodding their heads toward me. Luke looked at his mother, "Steak for dinner? There better be some left or shit's gonna happen, yo."

"Of course, there's more left," Mrs. Woods laughed.

"Not if Kameryn ate it all," Tyler said around a mouthful of food, pointing his fork at Kameryn who had returned with seconds and was stuffing his face. Kameryn glanced up and apologized, "Sorry."

"Kam...they're better be more!" Max shouted, as the five guys ran into the kitchen.

"Is there more Kammy?" Grasshopper asked, glancing at his cousin. So cute, I thought, glancing at the little two year old. His golden brown hair was spiked up in the front, he was wearing a button down blue shirt, and blue jeans, with only a pair of black socks covering his small feet as they dangled from the chair.

"Sure there is," Kameryn answered, shrugging, and eating more of his food.

"Hell, Kam don't care, he takes what there is and if there isn't any left, well sucks for you," Jenson laughed, pushing his empty plate away and resting his elbows on the table.

"Right on!" Kameryn said with a mouthful of steak, pumping his fist in the air. I laughed, and he smiled at me, continuing to eat.

"So, Aria, why you all dressed up for supper?" Hunter asked, picking up another piece of steak with his fork, giving me a side glance.

"It's not really dressed up-"

"She just wants to impress someone by covering up her cheap looks," Chase muttered darkly, from across of me. I rolled my eyes, "For your information, I just wanted to where something comfortable."

"Go back to wearing you're old T-Shirts," he spat, dropping his fork.

"Chase, whatever happened to manners," Barrett glared at him.

"Whatever happened to this house being just boys," he retaliated.

"Shit happens," Jenson laughed, "Deal with it sourpuss."

"Shut the fuck up Jenson!"

"Shut your crab cake, yoyo!" Kameryn said, yet again with his mouth full, he threw a piece of steak at Chase. It hit him on the forehead and fell onto his plate. Chase glared at his cousin before scooting his chair back and storming out of the dining room, slamming the door in the process.

"What was that?" Mrs. Woods asked, reentering with food, along with the older Woods brothers.

"The wind," Jenson and Kameryn said myseriously, wiggling their fingers. The boys at the table tried to hide their snickers and laughs behind their hands. I laughed and began to eat my steak.

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