Chapter Thirty-Six: If He Dies, It's Your Fault

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The front door opened and we waiting, holding our breath. All of us had come downstairs for the arrival of Clarity's husband. "Guys we're home," I heard her call, as she came around the corner in her blue and white Draped Cloud Print Dress. A man came up from behind her wearing a black suit. His dirty blonde hair was neat unlike the other boys in here. He took off his sunglasses, revealing bright green eyes that looked similar to Barrett's. He glanced at us all before stopping on me and smiling.

"Is this the wonderful girl you were talking about, Clarity?" the man asked.

"Yes, this is Aria, Aria this is my husband Tucker Woods," Clarity introduced. I held out my hand, "Nice to meet you."

"Pleasure's all mine, Darling," he shook my hand, before glancing at the boys, "With these guys, I can't believe you're still here. I figured they would've flirted with you so much, you'd leave as fast as you entered."

I laughed, "They're actually not that bad."

"Psh...not that bad, I'm awesome," Kameryn boasted.

"I'm more awesome!" Tyler and Callis yelled.

"Guys, guys, we all know I'm amazingly awesome," Dant'e smirked, walking in.

"Hey, well if it isn't my brother the same mother, almost forgot you existed," Tyler chuckled.

"I see you brought you're honey boo boo," Jenson speculated, staring at the girl next to Dant'e. She was tall, with short auburn brown hair that was curled at the bottom. She had on a black and brown Striped Bodycon Dress that her ash brown eyes stand out.

"Don't compare her to honey boo boo! Jessica's hot!" Callis announced.

Jessica blushed and looked down at the ground and Dant'e snorted, "And she's way out of your league little dude."

"That's not fair," Callis growled, "Why do you get the model?"

"I call Aria," Tyler sang running to me and hugging me.

"She's already called for," Ryder mentioned, rolling his eyes.

"By who?" Tyler asked, crossing his arms over his chest. No no...I gave Ryder a warning glance and he glared at me before smirking, "Tylen Williams."

"That snot-bag? Why the hell would you-"

"You're shitting with us, right?" Kameryn asked, his eyes snapping toward me.

"Guys, look....Tuck's home!" Dant'e cheered, trying to get the attention off of me. It didn't work as they kept throwing questions at me. I cast a look toward Jenson to see him slowly leaving the room, as if he had lots of things running through his mind. I stomped over to Ryder and growled, "My life's none of your business, asshole, and you don't need to go broadcast it in front of everyone."

"Broadcast? If you wanna be part of this family, you must learn, everything goes public."

"Public?" I snorted.

"There are no secrets."

"No secrets? Barrett is about to have a child no one knows about," I didn't realize the commotion stopped and everyone heard what I said. My eyes grew wide and I spun toward Barrett, who stared at me hurt.


"A child?" his father boomed.

"What...when," Clarity stammered.

"Nice going," Ryder smirked from behind me.


"Save it mister," Clarity cried, "I can't believe..."

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