Chapter Thirty-Five: People Are Staring

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Sooner or later a month had gone by, and everything was going good. Perry hadn't done anything yet, I was still on the look out knowing she'd strike any moment. Barrett had begun to date Ashley, and to my surprise they made a cute couple. Ashley hadn't begun to show yet since she was only a month in a half into the pregnancy. Barrett had told me she should start showing in a few months. Clarity's husband was flying in today and she had gone to go get him a couple of hours ago.

And to a even greater surprise, Tylen and I had begun dating. He had asked me out at the pier one night after he took me roller skating. I had sprained my ankle, but the night wasn't a complete bust. I actually grew quite fond of him. I noticed Ryder's change in attitude after I did so, he avoids me like the plague. If I'm about to ask him a question, he makes up an excuse and leaves. Benji hadn't liked my choice either, and takes every jab he has at Tylen. To me, he's just being Benji, but others think differently. I straightened out my blue tank top, and made my way out of my room.

I saw Jenson exit his room, his form disappearing once he turned down another bend in the hallway. Thinking about it now, I realized Jenson had been acting different as well. He was more distant, he hadn't even asked me about the concert that was approaching quickly. Maybe he found a new partner...I frowned at that thought.

"Might as well be a boxer the way you're drooling," Chase spat disgusted, shoving me out of his way. I fell with a bang against the wall and slid to the floor.

"I wasn't drooling," I griped, rolling my head back against the expensive structure.

"Whatcha doing on the ground?" Grasshopper asked. I looked in the direction of his voice to see him sucking on his thumb like always.

"Just chilling," I smirked. You're brother is the devil in disguise and pushed me.

"You look sad," he sweetly said, sitting on his knees in front of me.

"Just confused," I softly murmured. Since when did a toddler become my counselor? Grasshopper was quiet, the only sound in the hall was the slurping of his tongue on his thumb. I ruffled up his golden brown hair and pulled him to me.

"Cherish the moments while you're innocent and worry free," I advised.


I jogged down the sandy path, the wind tossing my ponytail back and forth. My hair was getting long and I would soon need a haircut if this heat keeps up. Music blared from my headphones as I cranked up the volume on my Ipod.

I turned the corner, "Go Your Own Way," blasting through the speakers. I saw familiar short ash brown hair and stopped. The boy was making out with some girl in between two trees. Gross, no way that's Tylen. Why would he even be here? I started running again before someone tackled me to the ground. I took note of the bright blue orbs and shell necklace.

"What the hell Jenson?" I shrieked. He laughed, "Chillax, New Jersey."

"Chillax? You just tackled me to the ground...out of no where, and you tell me to chillax!"

"People are staring," he whined, sitting up.

"I wonder why! You just body slammed a girl!"

Jenson burst out laughing and I hit him, "What? It's hilarious! You're so dramatic. You belong in New Jersey alright." He hopped up and took my hand, hauling me to my feet.

"Yeah yeah," I muttered, swiping the grass off of my Nike shorts.

"Missed a spot," he chuckled, slapping my ass and striding off.

"What the fuck, Jenson," I hissed, chasing after him. He just continued to laugh bending over, "You're reactions, New Jersey, are priceless."


"I should take a video and post it on Youtube!"

"Hell no!" I protested. He smirked and begun walking away again.

Hell yes," he cheered, pumping his fist in the air.

"I should take some scissors and cut off your-"

"Okay okay! You stepped over the line when you talk about my privates, sweetheart," he yelped, holding his hands up in surrender. I laughed and he smirked, "I'd kick you in the vagina but I don't want to lose my shoe."

And with that, he turned and raced off, I threw my Ipod and headphones into my pocket and ran after him. I jumped onto his back and we tumbled down the hill, falling into the grass below. I landed on top of his chest and he groaned, "If you wanted me all you had to do was say so, not tackle me like some football player."

I laughed and he laughed with me, his blue eyes sparkling in the sunlight. "I hate you," I smirked.

"I love you, New Jersey," he yelled like a diva. I laughed and he pushed me off of him.

"Enough, now, I shall get up and go get ice cream." He got up and stretched.

"You're buying," I stated.

He looked at me and smirked, "Who said you were going?" I reached my hand out and he took it pulling me up to my feet.

"I did," I announced. He ran his fingers through my hair, getting the grass out and chuckled, "In that case, whatevs." He took my hand and led me down to the Ice Cream Shop.

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