Chapter Fifty-Four: Catch The Demon Dog!

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Just a few more chapters and FTW will be finished. But don't worry, there will be a sequel (:



"No, Jens', we should do this song," Kameryn argued, flipping the page of a song book.

"No, Kam!" Jenson protested. I groaned and turned to leave, only to bump into Tyson who almost dropped a vase. He caught it and stepped back to look up at me.

"Sorry, Tyson," I apologized.

He shrugged, "I have to live with Tyler, I'm used to this stuff."

I laughed and pointed at the vase, "Did you make that?"

"Yeah, I was thinking I could do the decorations for the wedding. Well not all of them but I in charge of the photography and sculpting something," he answered, shrugging again. I guess you can't have a conversation with Tyson without him shrugging...

"That'd be great, Tyson. Anything you can think of will work, and if you need some ideas or something ask Ashley, she's good at....imagining?" I laughed as did he. He nodded and walked away, the vase held tightly underneath his arm. Hey, he didn't shrug.

"Aria!" Cable called, descending the stairs and running toward me. Chet and Callis were right behind him.

"Hey guys, what's up?" I asked, looking at them confused. Cable exchanged glances with the others before looking at me.

"This is going to sound gay, but at a wedding you're gonna need some flowers," Cable pointed out.

"Yeah because the bride has to throw that bouquet to see who's going to get married next, or what not," Chet added.

"Keep talking," I said, crossing my arms.

"Well, we were out with Jet and Tristan at the waterfall throwing a ball around. It went into this bush and there's a ton of flowers back there that you could use," Callis supplied.

"Okay, go back up there with the little kids, Tristan, and Jet. Get as many flowers as you can, bring buckets if you to, okay?"

"Got it," they sang together and scurried off to find others. I felt someone bump into me and turned to see Chase and Tyler struggling to hold up a sculpture of cupid.

"What the hell?" I shrieked.

"Just help us," Chase hissed.

"Before my arms break!" Tyler whined, "I need these guys, got hockey practice, dawg."

I turned around to help them, and we took it out to the back yard and placed it down in the center. "Remind me again why we need a cupid?"

"Tyson made it," Tyler took a deep breath and stretched his arms.

"This quickly? I just told him..."

"He's been making this for ages, but needed something to use it in," Tyler explained, "I thought it was for something else, but guess I was wrong." Chase punched Tyler's shoulder, "Perv." He said, "Thanks," to me and walked off to help the others, rolling up his sleeves in the process.

"Are there any more sculptures he's made?" I asked.

"Tons," Tyler replied.

"Okay, lets get started," I said, pulling him along with me back into the mansion.


"Is everything ready?" I asked my fellow 'workers'.

"Yup, the decorations, flowers, food, everything's done," Blake stated..

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