Chapter Sixteen: Fun at Sea World Part 1

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Thank you to everyone who voted (: Means a lot. Now I've been wanting to make a trailer for this book but I can't do it right, at all. So if you can make a trailer on Youtube and give me a link, that'd be great, I'll even dedicate a chapter to you (: Also, this chapter is for all of those who love Kameryn.





I grabbed a plate of cheesy nachos as I raced after the boy. I threw open the door to the cafeteria, pelting down the hallway after him.

"Get back here Kameryn!" I yelled.

"Never! I ain't stupid," he yelled back. I turned down the hall, inching closer to the brown haired boy.

"Na na boo boo," he laughed, making another turn, causing me to almost fall. I spun around and dashed after him once again.

"Don't you ever get tired?" I panted.

"I'm Kameryn, there's no such thing as tired in my vocab," he shouted. I rolled my eyes, this kid is going to kill me. I need to think fast. Suddenly, I saw Blake come out of a classroom.

"Blake!" I called. He looked around before settling his gaze on me. I pointed after Kameryn, "Sick em, doggy!"

"I ain't no dog!" Blake yelled, but he ran after Kameryn anyway. You sure do listen like one, I laughed to myself as I trailed after them. I heard a loud thud and picked up my speed until I saw the two of them on the ground. I smiled and rushed over to where Kameryn was laying.

"Cheers," I told him, before dumping the nachos on his face.

"Fuck you," he growled, glared up at me before laughing. Blake and I joined in, I clapped and patted Blake's head. "Good job, Blakey."


Barrett pulled up to the school and parked, shutting off the engine. "Thanks for taking me back to the house so I could wash that hamburger out of my hair," I told him, opening up the door.

"No problem, but you missed the last class of the day."

"Then why are we here?" I asked him, dumbfounded.

"For my football practice, duh," he stated, hopping out of his car and walking toward the football field. I quickly caught up with him and sighed, "You could've told me-"

"You don't want to watch me play?" He asked, laughing.

"Well-" I stopped when I saw the devil child putting on his jersey, "He's on the team?!"

"Well, yeah, he's the quarterback," Barrett nodded, giving me as stupid look.

"You should've left me home!" I shrieked, hitting him on the arm. He grabbed his arm and yelped, "Ow!"

Ryder glanced up at us, catching my gaze. I turned on my heel and quickly walked away from the football field.

"New girl!" someone called. I turned to see a blonde girl wearing a very revealing dress. I groaned, please don't come over here, I silently begged. I put on a fake smile as the blonde bimbo skipped toward me with five more girls.

"I think you'd be a great addition to the cheerleading squad!" she squealed, "So lets go get you sign-"

"How about no," I interrupted, "Cheering's not my thing."

I began to walk away only for her to cling onto my arm. Desperate much? "Please! You don't mean that!"

"Yes I do, I sing and dance, I don't strut around in a short skirt just to get some horny guy. Now please remove your hand," I told her. She dropped my arm and got up in my face, "Listen skank, I saw you with Ryder earlier, better back off."

She turned and stalked off with her little gang. Desperate and bipolar, I see. I rolled my eyes and was about to walk away when yet another hand clamped down on my arm. I spun around ready to yell at someone once again to see Rayne.

"I saw what you said to Perry, and OMG that was amazing! No one has ever talked to her like that before," Rayne gushed.

"Thanks," I told her.

"I also overheard you say you like to dance. Well sing and dance...You should join the dancing team!" she smiled.

"There's a dancing team here," I asked, as she led me to the gym.

"Yup, and you're looking at the captain!" Rayne stated.

"I'd love to join the team," I agreed, and she squealed.

"Lets get you signed up!"


"Hey Aria," Kameryn greeted, as I walked into the house, setting my bag down near the door. He was wearing a black shirt with a bulldog on it that stated, 'I dish out the bull, you give me the shit' and tan cargo shorts.

"Hey Kam, where is everyone," I asked, glancing around at the empty and unusually peaceful house.

"Dates, food, detention, mall, friends, the usual," he rambled off, turning off the TV.

"Why are you here then? Don't you have one of those?"

"I'm the good kid, duh," he tried.

I laughed, "You're not even close!"

He laughed and nodded, "Yeah, I was actually waiting for you."

"Why's that?" I asked. He picked up a key off the counter and tossed it to me. I caught it as he said, "We're going out."

"Where exactly?" I asked him.

"Remember couple days ago you commented on that girl on TV?" he asked.

"Yea I said I liked her pink highlights," I nodded, uncertain where this was going.

"Exactly! We're going to get you some pink highlights!" Kameryn stated.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yup, come on!" he grabbed my hand and pulled me to the door. I picked up my bag once more and we shuffled outside to the garage.


"You look great," Kameryn smiled at me. I glanced in the mirror, running my hand through my golden locks that now had strands of pink.

"Think so?" I asked.

"Know so," he shrugged, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

"Thanks," I told him, as we walked out of the shop. We piled into the car and he glanced at me, "Where to next?"

"Sea World," I laughed, pulling out of the parking lot.


"I thought you were joking!" he gasped, as I parked the car. We were in the parking lot of Sea World now. People were lining up to get in.

"Nope! You got me something, you should enjoy something too," I responded. Kameryn pushed open the car door and shut it behind him, I did the same. He grabbed my arm and pulled me to the line that led to the entrance.

"I've never been here before!" he told me.

"Me neither," I admitted. He looked at me, "Really? Then why the sudden urge to come?"

"I've always wanted to," I explained.

"Me too," he smiled. Once we got to the front of the line, Kameryn pulled out his wallet and paid the $40.

"Have fun," the guy said, as we waltzed inside. "There's so much to do!" Kameryn stated, shocked, as he gazed around at all of the places.

"We should start from the top and work our way down," I told him.

"Good idea," he said, as we turned right to the dolphin aquarium. This is gonna be fun.

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