Chapter 1

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That was the only thought in my mind. It was dark and cold beneath me, yet clear above. I swam deeper feeling the pressure increasing around my hideous body. It was chilly against my almost bare skin. I could see the bottom of the sandy ocean floor and kept swimming towards it. The water became thicker as the pressure became stronger, but still I swam deeper. I reached out and touched the sand, pushing my hands into the grit and running my fingers over the surface of the ground. Kicking my feet and turning my body over I pressed my back to the sand as I looked up at the surface. The sun was bright creating beautiful rays of light through the water, brightening up the white sand and clear water around me. It was mesmerizing. So silent that the only thing I heard was the pounding of my own heart as it tried to use ever bit of oxygen to keep my conscious. Gosh, I wish I was a mermaid, I could stay here forever. Swimming through the water, not having to hear anyone, see anyone, never be judged for the choices or mistakes I've made in my past, completely alone forever. Away from the surface.  

I could feel my lungs starting to burn from the lack of oxygen but didn't listen to my body's warning, I didn't move. It was as if time had stopped ticking and the world had stopped turning. I was alone. I was finally alone. This was exactly where I wanted to be. I knew exactly what I had to do next and I was running out of time. So I opened my mouth and watched the air leave my body. Wriggling bubbles floating upwards and out of view. I then closed my eyes know it was time to do the only thing I came here to do. I inhaled some of the salty water around me filling my lungs and gagging and coughing as it hit my throat. Obviously my body wasn't quiet on board with my plan. I breathed in some more and could feel my hands and feet going numb from the lack of oxygen. It was numbing the pain. I felt myself wanting to cry knowing that it was finally time. Tears not of sadness but of relief. As I was about to breath in again I felt the water move around my body I opened my eyes taking a few seconds to adjust to seeing in the water, looking for what had shifted the peaceful stillness.  


No no no no no!!! Just a few more minutes, that's all I was asking for! Leave me alone for a few more minutes. I started to move backward and away from the body coming towards me.  

I was looking at my dark haired, tan older brother coming to the rescue. I shook my head and prayed he would let me go. Funny thing about praying though. God didn't owe me anything.  

I tried to inhale again as he got closer but he grabbed my wrist as I pushed him away with my other hand. He grabbed that one too. I resorted to kicking him in the chest as I tried to swim away. It didn't work. He put an arm around my waist and kicked off the ocean floor dragging me upward I thrashed around in his arms trying to get free but it was no use. My oxygen supply was dwindling and he was stronger. My head started pounding and my vision blurred, the only thing left for me to do was breath. I started sucking in and swallowing the crystal water as he pulled me to the surface. As I felt us break the surface my world went black.

Light. I saw light. Vaguely in the distance, it was extremely bright and kept coming closer. Did that mean I was dead? Did I actually, finally succeed? After years of pain on earth was I finally putting my troubled soul to rest?  

The light was getting brighter and closer I could almost reach it, meaning I was almost there! The better place I always wanted to go, the euphoric life after death, anywhere but earth, anywhere but home, anywhere at all.

Voices. I had almost reached the light and I heard voices. It was coming from the light, I couldn't make out any words yet but I knew I needed to get to the light. wait a second. I stopped moving forward as a thought hit me. If I was dead wasn't I supposed to be alone? No! No, no, no! It didn't work did it? I needed to go back. I had to get away from the ever nearing voices, I had to get away from the light before I came back! I tried to push it away but it kept getting closer. I tried to fight it, I fought back with everything I had, but it was still getting closer. At this point it was so close I could reach out and touch the light, breaking through to the other side where the voices were, I pulled my hands shielded them close to my body. The voices were loud, I could understand what they were saying now. I tried to block out the sounds but it didn't work.  

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