Chapter 8

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Thankfully I made it home undetected. I went upstairs and collapsed onto my bed. I was still tired from getting so little sleep and running all the way home. It takes no time at all before I'm out.

Once I wake up I look at the clock. 10:34. I get up and jump in the shower. After being tackled in the sand, sleeping in a tent, and sprinting home-- Lets just say I desperately needed a shower.

I let the hot water run over my stiff and aching body. I'm still trying to wrap my head around last night; I've NEVER done anything like that in my life. I've never done the group of friends thing. Well there was a time in middle school. There were four girls in our little clique, we were all in the same grade and we also did dance class after school together. I couldn't stand them. Mindy, Molly and Maddy. All three of them were some shade of blonde and were the epitome of middle-schoolers. Vicious. Middle school is that time where nobody knows who they are. Everyone is finally at an age were they get to choose their own style, but still arent grown up enough to realize all these things don't define who you are or how 'cool' of a person you are. Then we get to through puberty on top of the self-searching process. Everyone is just trying to fit in, and sometimes the only way to fit in and be popular is to put others down. Bully, tease and destroy the self esteem of the poor kids just trying to be themselves. In other words middle school sucks. But it didn't if you were the ones on top. If you were the bullies not the bullied life was fine; If you were part of the in crowd not the outcasts it was easy to get through the day. Fortunately for me I was part of that group. But that all changed when I realized what they were doing was wrong. There was one insensate in particular that broke out friendship.

We had all just eaten lunch and we went to the girls room to fix our make up and talk about how stupid our teaches were, or who was wearing the latest fashion disaster. But when we got there we weren't alone as we usually were. There was one of the girls in a lower grade crying in the corner stall. Being absolute bitches that we were, Mindy and Maddy sweet talked her into opening the door. She finally told us what was wrong with her, thinking we were going to be nice. She told us that one of the boys at lunch that she really liked had told her that he didn't like fat chicks like her, and that the only date she'd ever get would be with Ben & Jerry's. I felt bad for her. Here she was just trying to talk to him. It probably took her weeks to work up the courage to even speak to him, and all that courage and strength was shattered because someone had to be a self important jerk. What pissed me off the most was that the blonde trio I called my friends didn't even try to comfort this poor girl. Mindy told her that she didn't have a chance with him anyways because he was a year ahead of her and out of her league. Then Molly told her that she knew a few secrets to being skinny and was willing to share. When asked if she wanted to know them too the poor girl was all too eager. Molly told her “First, don't eat. Second if you do eat, go straight to the bathroom and stick your fingers as far back in your throat as you can, you can throw up all the failure.” Then they laughed at the poor girl when she got upset. They told her it might take forever to get rid of the muffin top but if she didn’t want to be single the rest of her life then she better start now. I stood there in shock until I couldn't take it anymore. I looked at the three of them, pretending to stick their fingers in their mouths and gagging at the poor girl who was crying harder than before. I stood up to them. I told them what they were doing was wrong, I told them to go to hell and I never wanted to see them around this girl again. They cussed me out for being a wimp and left me in the bathroom with the sobbing girl. I stayed there, hugging her and rocking her back and forth until she finally stopped crying. I think we missed two classes that day but that’s what it took to help her. Then I went and told the vice principle, getting all three of them and the boy detention for two week. They never spoke to me again and I was glad for it. I ended up sitting alone at lunch for the rest of the school year and I quit dance. Now one of them is pregnant, and the other two are quite the party girls.

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