Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Ambree's P.O.V

I've never hated Alex this much before. He told my parents he was worried about me. He was only going to talk to me about what he saw yesterday, but decided otherwise when he found me sneaking into the house wearing guys clothing at 3 am. My mother took it upon herself to rudely awaken me and inform me that we are cutting our trip a day short. Thanks to him I get to pack up all my crap today and we'll be on the road home in a matter of hours. I wont make it home alive if I have to sit that close to him; we will all die. I can't force myself to get into that car and neither can they. I throw the remaining clothing into my suitcase an zip it before moving onto the bathroom. I'm going to end up killing either the she devil or her spawn. The way she came in here this morning; that she had the audacity to insult me like that. That she couldn't even wait for me to come downstairs to tell me just how much of a screw up I am; that I'm solely responsible for ruining this trip for her and the rest of my family. I stuff all my soaps and hairsprays into ziplock bags along with all the other pointless crap for my hair and skin. I grab my various chargers from the outlets and into the electronics bag they go. I'm done. I bring my bags downstairs and throw them by the front door. I want so badly to stay and go swimming with the boys. Maybe I'll still be able to make it, maybe I can sneak out for a few minutes and say goodbye. All I need is a few minutes. That's all I need. I locate my parents in the kitchen and know that Alex is still upstairs.

“Mom, I'm done packing. Can I go for a quick walk along the beach?” She turns around and studies my face with her judgmental glare.

“Be back in ten minutes to help the rest of us.” Did she seriously just say yes? Just like that? No questions or rude statements. Just like that. I don't want to stick around so she can change her mind, I'm out the back door as quickly as possible. I was supposed to meet them about 15 minutes ago for swimming, so if I'm lucky they'll be outside waiting for me. I walk quickly so my parents don't suspect anything but as soon as I'm out of view of the house I sprint. I push my legs as fast as they can go. I swing my arms and breathe with the rhythm of my stride. I can feel the air hitting my skin and rushing through my hair, I can feel the warm sand beneath my bare feet. A rush of heat prickles through my body as my skin starts to dampen with sweat from the balmy rays of sun. Finally the five dark figures appear into my line of vision. By the time I reach them I'm slightly winded from the run.

“You're late,” Carl speaks up first.

“You don't look ready to swim.” Nick crosses his arms and scans my fully clothed body.

“I can't stay. We're leaving today, now actually. I just came to say goodbye.” I bite my bottom lip as everyone starts talking at once. What?! No! Please stay? Will we ever see you again? When are you coming back? I'm going to miss you. I don't know who said what but I try and answer everyone.

“I'm sorry. We'll be back for the summer. And I'm going to miss you guys too.”

“Do you have to go now?”

“Yes my mom said to be back in ten minutes, she can't find me here.”

“Group hug!” Someone shouts. Before I can react I'm practically crushed from everyone embracing me at once.

“I'll see you guys in like a month okay?” I say after everyone finally lets me go and I can breathe again.

“Here give me your phone,” Nick says. I slip it out of my pocket and hand it to him. He unlocks my white iphone before handing it back for me to enter my password. After unlocking it and hitting the home button I hand it over again. He takes about 30 seconds to enter his contact information before passing it to Keegan who does the same. After everyone puts in their numbers and I promise to text them all every day, and yet another group hug I start my jog home.

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