Chapter 6

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Chapter 6


“Wow we just keep running into each other today don't we?” I cross my arms and don't reply. I'm hoping the daggers I'm glaring at him will eventually burn through his perfect skin and smug smile.

“We didn't even run into each other just now, you tackled me.” My voice is higher than usual. It sounded weird, and was a bit shaky.

“Wait Keegan, you know her?” One of them says. I look in the direction of the voice and recognize him from the carnival. This just keeps getting better and better! I look around the group and see that they are all boys from the carnival ride plus two others I don't recognize.

“Yeah, we've met,” He smiles at his friends then turns back to me.

“How the hell is a tiny little thing like you so freakin' fast?” he's still breathing hard from our little sprint. Fortunately I'm used to the running and am able to breathe normally. I swallow before answering.

“Track team.” I take a step back. I don't like being this close to all these guys, and I especially don't like that they're all looking at me like I'm an ice cream sundae or something. I can feel all the eyes on me. I don’t like being so exposed.

“Well that explains a lot.” His gaze trails down my body and back up. What the hell is that supposed to mean? So I run track? What does that have to do with anything other than the fact that I'm pretty fast at running?

“What are you doing here?” I look at the sand. What was I doing out here? I had a nightmare, couldn't sleep, so I got water, and then wondered outside along the beach. I have every right to be here, I’m not doing anything wrong by going for a walk. It's a residential beach, anyone who lives here has access.

“I was walking.” Everyone laughs a little and I feel a light blush cover my cheeks. Wow I sounded lame. It was true though. I was walking. Actually, then I was running but they already knew that.

“Let me rephrase that,” he shuffles a bit and then continues.

“What are you doing walking along the beach, alone, in the middle of the night?” I knew what he meant, I'm not stupid.

“I couldn't sleep,” I finally say. “I decided some fresh air might help.” I was surprised at how steady my voice was, it almost sounded confident. I mentally pat myself on the back.

Just then a strong gust of wind blows through the group of people. I cross my arms tighter around myself and shiver involuntarily.

“You look cold,” Wow this kid is a genius. Before I can congratulate him on his incredible observational skills he puts an arm around me and starts pushing me forward. I flinch at his touch and squirm uncomfortably.

“Relax,” His voice is low and I can feel his breath on my shoulder, making me squirm even more. I don't like being touched. Sensing this he pulls back and drops his arm from my shoulder so his hand is resting gently in the middle of my back.

“Come sit by the fire with us,” He continues pulling me towards the orange glow and his friends follow behind. I walk towards the fire and try to widen the almost non existent gap between us but its no use. We finally reach the fire, there is a log and a few beach chairs set up in a circle. I sit down on the edge of the log and Keegan sit uncomfortably close to me. The fire was deliciously warm, I could feel my temperature returning to normal.

“Do you want one?” I look up to see someone offering me a beer.

“Oh, um, no thanks. I.. I don't drink.” He nods and puts it back in the cooler he got it from.

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