Chapter 7

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Chapter 7 


I opened my eyes after laying there in that almost asleep but not quiet enough to be dreaming state for what seemed like forever. I sat up and looked around the tent full of sleeping people all covered in a mess of blankets and pillows. The almost silent lull of incognizant minds and steady breathing is calming and reassures me that the rest of the group is still oblivious to the world. It somehow still blows my mind that not only are Carl and Tony laying in the exact same position from opposite sides of the tent but are also breathing perfectly in sync. Must have something to do with being identical twins. I look down at the small frame tightly wrapped in blue a few feet away. She's laying on her side with her knees pulled up almost to her chest, her head is resting on her left arm and her right hand is clenching the blanket just under her chin.  Her dark wavy hair seems to have found a way to cover the entire pillow and still fall down over her shoulder. I want to say she looks peaceful as she's sleeping but she doesn't. Her face looks like its pricked with sweat and her body language is telling me she's not relaxing on a beach in her mind. There's also something else, I can't quiet explain it but when I look at her I feel like she's scared. There's something deep down that she's trying to hide. Something dark. I spent most of last night trying to figure out what was so familiar about her. It took me the whole evening and a few hours of watching her sleep to finally come to a conclusion. Yes I watched her sleep, but not in a creepy way I promise! I just looked at her and listened to her breathing, as I thought. See! Not creepy. Even as she sleeps she's tense and protective of herself. She just appears so innocent but yet if you look beyond the smile and cute facade you can see that underneath a few layers of perfection you start to get to the walls. The walls that have been built to stay strong, to hide and to protect. There's this look in her eyes that I had seen once before. The memories come flooding back and I try to push them out of my mind. I doubt any of the other guys will even notice the resemblance. Sure they all knew Kelly but nowhere near as well as I did. I just don't want to go through that ever again. I can't. 

I get up being as quiet as possible, I manage to make my way out of the tent without stepping on or waking anyone. I look in the cooler and grab a bottled water and the left over marshmallows from last night. After downing half the water I pop one of the squishy, sugary clouds into my mouth. What are marshmallows even made of? I know theirs a ton of sugar but what do you do to sugar to turn it from white sand into a soft puff of stickiness?  I look at the package for ingredients but give up after seeing that the list of extremely small print was long and had a lot of words that probably aren't even in a dictionary. Oh well, some questions are better left unanswered right? Don't answer that. 

I finish the water and almost all the remaining marshmallows. I look around and decide to clean up our little campsite. Gina will not be happy if she has to clean up all the cans of soda and pizza boxes from the beach. Gina is Carl and Tony's mom. She was kind of like a mother to all of us though, we've all known each other forever and have grown up as a group. Even next year when her boys go off to college she'll still have us over for beach camping and game nights. Yes she's super nice but you don't want to get on her bad side. She once grounded all of us to separate rooms of the house for two days because we cut the hair off of both of her precious cats and then tried to glue it back on. It ended with her having to bathe them and scrub super glue off of two extremely feisty Savana's resulting in lots of cursing, a few scars, and two extremely pissed off cats with bad haircuts. Grounding us was a mild punishment. She called each of our parents too, not to ask if she could punish us but to inform them that we wouldn't be home for a few days. 

After picking up all the trash and bagging it I pick up a random cellphone and check the time. 6:22am. Well I guess I can't wake everyone up yet since we went to sleep maybe 3 hours ago. Maybe I should join them for a few more hours of blissful rest. 

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