Chapter Five:

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Volterra, Italy: the Volturi

"The Seattle situation is... getting out of control."

"I am aware of that."

"Then you are aware we will need to make our move soon."

"I am, but first... a very interesting someone has made contact with me."


"An old acquaintance- you remember Acacius? I believe he goes by Sanguini these days. He had quite a few fascinating things to say about the Magical World."

"Good news, I hope."

"Very good news, my old friend... yes, very good news indeed."



The sleepover was one night away, and Alice's excitement over the whole deal had tripled since the whole prom thing had been included. With each hour that passed, she seemed to almost bounce in her seat.

"There's still a whole day and night to go, plus this afternoon," I tell her, exasperated by her energy.

"Carlisle will be doing Luna's check-up after school," she says, and I nod, remembering Carlisle's offer.

"And?" I prod, slightly puzzled by this non-sequitur.

"And, we can plan what we're going to do tomorrow tonight!" She says, enthusiastically.

"Won't it be more fun just, you know, winging it?" I suggest and she just glares at me. I roll my eyes, raising my hands in surrender. "Fine, I guess we could figure out some stuff to do."

Seemingly appalled by my blatant lack of enthusiasm, Alice pounces on the weaker targets, fixing her sights on Angela and Katie with a terrifying sort of intensity.

"Sweet Morgana," I sigh, watching as she enthusiastically engages them both. "The world is doomed."

"It's just one night," Edward says, amused.

"Now," I say darkly, "it's one night now. Just wait Edward- a monster has been unleashed, and all we can do now is watch."

"You know I can hear you, right?" Alice says, annoyed.

"Tell me I'm wrong," I challenge her. She gives me her most angelic smile, batting big innocent doe eyes at me, and I almost expect a halo to appear.

"I'm sure I don't know what on earth you're talking about." She says, voice all sweet like honey and sugar.

"Okay," Edward says, as she turns back to continue the excited planning with our other two friends. "Maybe there's a touch of concern warranted in this situation." He admits.

"Yeah. Just a touch." I drawl, giving my vampire a truly inspired look of sarcasm mixed with a good helping of 'you're an idiot' and a touch of humour, before tuning in to the conversation happening before me.

"You do remember we need to write my announcements," Angela says, and Alice waves a hand in complete disregard.

"Oh we'll give them to Edward and Jaz to do- we've got much more important things to spend our night doing."

Angela looks almost like she wants to protest out of good manners, but thinks the better of it. "At least they'll get done." She sighs.


When Edward, Alice and I arrive back at my house, Carlisle is gently guiding Luna through a series of movements, while Charlie observes, munching on a pear as he does so. It was quite obvious if you cared to look that Charlie was disappointed he couldn't ask Qiang to come again to look Luna over- he had quite the crush on Angela's aunt, which was beyond amusing to witness.

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