1: Welcome to Jurassic World

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~~Hi, this is my Jurassic world's Zach Mitchell fanfic. I plan on keeping it quite short as I've tried to keep it the movie the best I could through my characters point of view, bearing in mind a few slight changes have been made. As an amateur and first time writer, I apologise in advance for any mistakes or changes to the original I have made. I'm hoping that you enjoy my different point of view of Jurassic World. 

Disclaimer: I only take credit for my characters and associated events. All other rights and reserves go to the creators of Jurassic World's franchise  ~~ 

The loud hum of bustling bodies and rolling cases against the floor hung in the air. Next to me, my parents sat seemingly unenthusiastic about the whole thought of travelling to Jurassic World within minutes. I on the other hand kept a close eye on the boarding gate, jigging my knee in anticipation. I was going to the one place in this world that just simply should not exist.

Defying all laws of nature, breaking all the rules of the natural.

I'm not going to lie, the place scares me. We should just leave the course of the world do its thing but who am I kidding? Despite the nerves of extinct animals that twice before has gone horribly wrong, who doesn't want to see dinosaurs up close and personal?

Growing impatient of staring at the closed boarding gate, I decided to take a walk to try calm my mind. Pacing around the terminal of the airport I watched as excited little kids jumped and swooped around their stressing parents with toy dinosaurs, roaring and making havoc for them. I couldn't help but smile at the electricity that pulsed throughout atmosphere, full of dreams and curiosity cursing throughout everyone. I think even deep down my parents are excited about the thought of dinosaurs, despite only agreeing to the trip if they could sit by the pool all day while I did what I wanted.

After all I did inherit the desire for adventure from someone.

Just making it back to my mum and dad before the first calling for our flight was boomed over the speakers, I was surprised at how quickly they jumped their feet. "You ready Aubrey?" My dad spoke with cheesy smile plastered on his face.

"Come on..." I pushed them in the right direction.

Trailing behind them in the crowd I was shoved from the side almost knocked off my feet. Regaining my composure quickly, I shrugged my backpack on straight arching an eyebrow over at the brown headed boy who had been completely engulfed in his phone, "Watch it square eyes" I smiled at the confused boy before disappearing into the swarm of bodies boarding into the metal machine.


The wind rippled through my blonde hair, the salty sea sprays making tiny rainbows with the hot sun that beat down across my skin. I'd left my parents somewhere chatting with some newly couple to finally find myself watching as the island grew bigger on the horizon. Taking a deep breath in, hundreds of people brushed by laughing, taking pictures or grabbing their young kids from falling overboard. Watching out peacefully a group of teenage girls hovered at the bottom deck, giggling and doing all that we do.

A threatening tightness of my stomach averted my eyes from them, catching the glimpse of a shaggy blonde headed boy instead. About 11, I watched as whoever he was speaking to made no notice of him but on the pretty girls below until he finally gave up, wondering slightly away. Taking a few steps closer I still kept my eyes strained on the island looming. "It's pretty cool isn't it?" I finally said.

He just turned to look at me. I glanced down smiling clasping my hands over the railing. "The gene splicing. How they've accomplished everything...." I continued waiting for his reply.

From the corner of my eye I saw him smile.

"You know originally there were only like 7 species and now they have about 14!" He stepped closer to the edge snapping a few pics.

"Really?!" I acted amazed although I already knew, his eyes lighting up as he begun to tell me everything he knew.

Time passed quickly and the island now loomed in front of us, "I'm Aubrey by the way." I held my hand out for him to shake.

"I'm Grey." He shook my hand loosely.

My phone buzzed.

I sighed. "Grey I've got to go but I promise you somehow I'm going to find ya and we are going to ripper of a time, okay?" I said already moving away pointing at him with a smile planted across my face. He stared back at me confused. "It means we're going to have fun hanging out..." I said again hoping to clear up my Aussie slang. I'd never noticed how bad it was until I'd been out the country.  

"Okay!" He called after me as I squeezed my way back through the tangles of limbs.

Then it struck me. I'm here. I'm finally here. Jurassic World. A place where your wildest dreams become reality and your scariest nightmares that haunt you in the darkness of you mind can become all too real. 

Aubrey, welcome to Jurassic world. 

~~ So yeah, first chapter of what I hope to be of a few more ~~

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