2:Goodbyes and New Hello's

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"Okay mum, I've got it. You don't have to worry about me, I'm going to be fine..." I shook my head in disbelief, throwing my suitcases onto my bed.

"I know honey but this place is terrifyingly huge and full of all kinds of creatures. Dinosaurs included..." I heard her voice approaching my room. Great. All I want is to get out and explore already.

"Look, this is what you wanted. I will go out and explore the adventures of extinct animals that I've waited months to do, while you two sit back and chill by the pool or those sandy beaches like I planned for you." I threw open my suitcase with an explosion of clothes scattering every inch of my bed. "Win, win situation. I get dinosaurs you get a tropical holiday. Plus you don't have me, pestering you all day in boredom so.... I don't see the fuss in me taking off now"

From behind I heard my dad chuckle, "Lucy she's right you know. Let the girl go already before she explodes."

"Pete...." She started.

"Ah, ah." He cockily smiled rising a playful eye at me as I laced up my black converses.

Hearing a small sigh of defeat I jumped to my feat, brushing the dirt from my ripped denim shorts.

"Fine, stay safe. Ring every hour or so. Be careful of the dinosaurs, if they look hungry... Don't go near them...." My mum stammered.

"Really?" I couldn't help but laugh at my mum's statement while clasping the circular pendent around my neck. "Okay, I won't go near hungry carnivorous creatures. Anything else?"

"What?" She hugged her arms despite the warmth of the room.

"Oh I think the old Rexy will be the least of her worries. Be careful of the boys, if they look hormonal.... Don't go near..." My dad pretended to put on mums serious tone making the two of us burst out into laughter earning a distasteful glare from my mother.

"Righto. No carnivorous creatures and no hormonal guys. Got it. Can I goooooo nnoowwwww?......" I slumped in the doorway pouting.

"Go." Mum pointed at the door half smiling.

"Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!" I hugged them both giving them a quick kiss on the cheek before practically sprinting out the door. "I love you!!" I shouted glancing back at my parents smiling brightly before stepping into a day I would never forget.


Huge is the understatement Jurassic world. I mean this place is so big I didn't even know where to start. So fuelled on the ecstatic overwhelming of it all I soon became very disorientated, very soon. Lost and really regretting not finding a map, I head towards the baby dinosaurs to recoup myself.

Baby Triceratops and brontosaurus among other small creatures of the prehistoric times waddled away carrying the small children with bright smiles upon their backs. A blonde mop of hair bounced through the crowd.

"Grey?" I said catching his attention.

He smiled waving, "Aubrey! I thought I wouldn't ever find you, this place is gigantic!"

"That it is!" I nodded. "Who are you here with?" I said watching as the boy strained to see over the stream of adults blocking the view.

"Oh don't worry, I'm here with my brother and being babysitted so I'm not alone if that's what you were asking..."

"Grey!" A voice cracked through the hustle of voices. "Grey!"

"Ah oh..." He whispered in response to the unhappy calling. "Don't mind him, he's just grumpy because he broke up with his girlfriend because she used the L word before we left.." Grey said unamused watching for whoever was coming.

"The L word?" I questioned looking down at the boy who seemed to be smart beyond his years.

"Love." He gave me the 'duh' look which I couldn't help but chuckle at.

"Oh right, got it.."

A brown headed boy wearing a grey hoodie weaved through a few people approaching. He stood suddenly next to Grey staring between the both of us when his questionable look jolted my memory. "Square eyes? Square eyes is your babysitter?" I laughed, Grey giving me a confused crunch of his face.

"Zach." Grey corrected me. "And no, this is my brother not my babysitter."

Okay, my age. Not what I was expecting 

I nodded my head at Grey then glanced at Zach with raised eyebrow and a smirk, who still hadn't said a word. "Well then, since you guys are being supervised," My eyes humorously drifted to Zach, who frowned in response grumpily. "I will meet up with you Grey later when you and your older brother have some free time so we can have some fun. Sound good?"

"Sounds good, we're supposed to meet our Aunt Claire but who knows when she'll decide to want to see us"

"Call me when you're not being babysitter. My room number id 867, just leave a message if no one picks up." Nodding at the boys, I spun on my heel and begun to head in the other direction. "Catch ya's later!" I waved smiling smuckly at the teenage boy.

Zach rolled his eyes angrily, his arms crossed across his chest disapprovingly. He glanced back over his shoulder, his eyes glittering with trouble. Whispering down into Grey's ear, a smile planted on his face. People clouded my vision taking the brothers from view. My feet stopped and they had disappeared.

Searching the crowds of bodies the no blonde mop of hair bounced through the crowds nor could I see the grey hoodie that now has succumbed to sick in my memory as well.

"Looking for someone?"

My heart skipping a beat, a cold rush of shock shivered down my spine, taking a short breath to regain my proper rhythm. I turned to meet the brown eyes of Zach himself.

"Only my friend." I shrugged and patted Grey on the shoulder as we strode off towards the giant sea creature show. Glancing back to Zach, he slipped back to his normal antisocial-phone engulfed self, trudging his way behind us.

~~ More of the boys from now on... ~~ 

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