4:Glass Orbs Suck

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"What do you think is going to happen if you just keep staring at them?" Grey said innocently a little too loud.

A small smile played on my lips as Zach stood there looking like a complete fool from his brother's simple words. The perfect girls giggled and stepped into the glass orbs. His eyebrows deeply furrowed, the merging caterpillar of hair loosened when his eyes landed open me. Pouting my lips in a fake sad face, I watched as he tried to contain the quirk of his lips suppressed. Grey catching on beamed, nodding his head in approval of my teasing.

It wasn't until now that the full crushing fear hit like a tone on bricks. An overwhelming tightness of my lungs made it hard for me to suck air to my collapsing lungs. I wiped a bead of sweat that begun to form on my brow, staring at the orb that rolled up to our direction. Letting out a shaky breathe, Grey tuned up to look at me. "Bree are you okay?"

"You don't look to good..." Zach added. Shaking my head, I plastered a fake smile pushing back the crushing tumble of fear rolling around my brain. Don't let your stupid fear show.

"Nah I'm all good....." I lied jigging my leg in anticipation, clasping unintentionally to my pendant. If I hide my emotions, I can't show my weaknesses. "Let's get this over with" I took a deep breath as the clear rolling orb of confinement opened before us.

The brothers didn't seem convinced but shrugged it off anyways. I followed Grey into the glass sphere, feeling Zach was close behind. Feeling his glance hovering on me, I stumbled into the capsule. Instantly he placed a guiding hand on the small of my back to steady me from falling ass over, Ihuffed at my clumsiness. Gently Zach moved his hand from my back awkwardly, sliding into his seat. Pushing back a stand of hair from my face, I plonked down in the middle as the ball sealed shut.

Taking a deep breathe, my nerves were slightly less lung crippling. Relaxing my body a little, a smile of relief flooded onto my face as Zach set the orb into motion. Lets get this over with. 

We didn't take much notice of Jimmy Fallon on the small screen but were entranced with the beautifulness and pure bewilderment of roaming amongst the prehistoric. The screen started flashing telling us to go back, "Zach...." I pointed.

He shrugged, "we can stay about here for a little while longer....."

I sighed unable to take away from the twinkle of greys eyes lighting up. "Fine.." A tiny quirk of Zach's smile softened his face as he pressed on further. Up ahead a short time later we rolled to a stop in front of a fence in pieces. "That doesn't look too good...." I mumbled.

"Maybe we should go back." Grey said a little nervously.

"Oh come on, a little off road can't hurt. Beside we have VIP passes, might as well use them for the experience..." A spark of mischief glittered in Zach's brown eyes.

I should have said no, the tightness of my gut told me that this was a bad idea. But I didn't, I kept my mouth shut.


"See four......" Zach faltered for words. "Dinosaurs.."

"There are five dinosaurs" Grey replied.

Zach and I glanced at each other confused. "Aren't you supposed to be some genius, there's four.

One, two...." Zach pointed at each, "three, four."

"....five...." Grey's whisper barely escaped his lips. Slowly staring up, a huge orange eye already bared down on top of us with a menacing terror radiating from the monster.

Before I even had the time to think about opening my lips, Zach drove the orb into action racing forward.

Even in the lightning speed of his reflexes we were knocked into a blur. Spiralling out control, our own screams pierced our eardrums as we were rocketed all over the place. Finally halting to a stop, we hung upside down in horror facing the monster as it continued it's bloody killing spree.

It was only the sound of our ragged breathes, wheezing in terror filled the orb. Too afraid to even reach out to one another a bone chilling vibration amplified on the glass below.

Shooting Zach a wild eye of panic, we both lunged into reaching for his phone. "Come on!..." I cried out. Both our hands just missing by fingertips, we collided hopelessly in tangles.

Grey's small hand had somehow found my other, squeezing it tightly. A reoccurring feeling to throw up rolled over me. With each wave of new terror that ran through my body, it threatened to overcome my will to keep it down. 

In that moment, the crushing force of the dinosaurs teeth drove through the glass. Driving us into the sky and crushing us back down the the earthy ground, shards of glass splintered with the power of the thrust.

With a final throw down, the roof of ball smashed to tiny pieces.

Oh shit.

In the heat of the moment my instincts took over, fumbling for the boys seat belts my hand my hands roamed for the click button. Missing multiple times, I don't want to even think about where my hand was landing on zach. "What are you doing?" Zach wailed as we were brought back up again.

"The seat belt!" Was all I could manage before we collided with the dirt again. Clicking Grey's and mine at the same time, we both dropped to the scattered glass soon thankfully followed by Zach.

Scrambling from under, we raced off into the forest too afraid to look back.


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