Aunt Claire?

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Cruising along, I'd soon become more trusting of Zach skills as we bumped our way across the forest floor. Driving at a reasonably fast speed, glimpses of large footprints implanted into the lush ground. Quickly passing a small clearing, I was sure that I saw smoke billowing from then glass dome in the distance bellow. But we pressed forward so fast, it had it be a figure of my imagination.

But I should have known that anything even the unimaginable happened on this island.

A fluttering noise filled the atmosphere, like hundreds of book pages turning rose from behind. Spinning on our knees slightly Grey and I met eyes, dreading to look back. My eyes scanning, screeching squawks stung our ears. My jaw dropped. Pterodactyls swarmed in flocks flying straight towards the park.

More importantly at the moment, straight towards us.

"Zach, drive faster!" Grey screamed. Zack hitting the gas petal hard, we were thrown against our seats speeding incredibly fast into the clearing.

"OPEN THE GATES!" Our lungs pierced with exhaustion of screaming to the guards on gate 5 as we approached. Drawing closer I started to believe that those concrete slabs aren't going to budge, but just in the time  it lodged open and we shoot through. Jumping from the jeep, we bolted for the centre of the park in search for their Aunty, which she happens to be pretty high up in the ranks of this mess.

Darting through the rushing crowds, the pterodactyls wreaked havoc. Swooping, snatching and pecking to a certain doomed death of people left, right and centre. Searching the hundreds of frantic people for a brief description of a red headed women, I was tugged almost from my feet by the boys.

"Run!" They pointed to the looming flying dinosaur that gained distance at increasing speeds. Not looking back we stumbled into a heap by a stall, scrambling in haste as the pointed beaked creature slid straight for us. Pushing Grey out of the way, Zach places a hand over our chests keeping us back from harm. Finally coming to rest, it rested inches away from impaling us all.

My lungs screeching for air we breathlessly, scrambled to our feet only to find what looks like their aunt... Kissing a guy.

"Aunt Claire?"

She instantly disconnected, her eyes filling with happy tears. She bolted for the boys, tearing them into a bear hug.

Side stepping away from the three's embrace, I felt a pang in my heart of ore. A sting for my parents love, I wanted. But over that a fiery rage begin to burn inside of me. I hated this place and my family was here and in danger because of me. Because of this god forsaken island.

A wildfire of anger burnt through my veins, a contagious rage ripping through my very existence of patience. Grounding my teeth together, I clasped my hands into fists. Huffing a sigh, me and some dude stood there staring at the three.

"Aubrey." I stated, mentally assessing this guy deciding this he is going to be important.

"Owen." He resorted back. I nodded briefly.

In the meantime my eyes directed to a screeching dinosaur, flailing its wings and snapping its killer beak at some other man's face on the side walk. My anger bubbling inside and my inability to see people to get hurt I turned and grabbed the closest wooden chair. Hurtling it against the pavement it smashed to pieces, just the splintered leg left.

Stalking my way over, I flipped the end of the wood around. Pecking endlessly at the man who struggled helplessly, blood oozed from his face. Using all my force, I smashed down a hurting swing at the creature, knocking it off. Exerting all my strength in the blow.

Only just turning from it, I heard the light scraping from its claws. Marching right past the boys and their aunt, the four of them stared at me. I clasped the gun from Owens hand, "I'm just going to borrow this..." A shake in my hands almost stopped me from doing something so far out of my characteristics. But training my eye swiftly to the prehistoric creature, its eyes glowed menacing. Ones of a killer that's only going to hurt someone else.

It now flapped it's bat like wings, it's evil glowing eyes trained on me. Anticipating how to kill me.

I tightened my grip on the trigger.

~~Hi all, I hope that my story so far has been alright. This is my first ever story so tips or any comments on if its okay would be much appreciated:) In the next few chapters I have added a little  more of my own input other then just the Jurassic World plot line, so ah yeah hopefully people like it.~~ 

Also kinda new to this so please give me a follow, I follow back!:)


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