3:Introducing Jerk and Rexy

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"You know there's more to life then on that screen!" I shouted over the roars of the crowd which Zach completely ignored of course. I sighed, running the palms of my hands against my shorts.

Even with his little brother consistently trying to get his attention in any way possible, Zach's ignorance annoyed me.

The least is to say within the hour of knowing him, I'm not a big fan on Zach Mitchell.

Peering nosey behind, the phones screen displayed a girl's picture. Quite pretty from what I could gather but was quickly removed from sight when he clicked the delete button.

"Mate brighten up, obviously she wasn't the right girl." I said as the Jurassic world worker begun to ascend the stairs to the stage.

"What?" He glared at up to meet my eye behind Grey who was happily snapping pictures.

"I said brighten up, you need to get over yourself and actually enjoy what's going on in the world right in front of you." I managed to say before the crowd begun stir in excitement. He didn't respond instead turning his attention to the stage as did I.

I elbowed Grey side wards, "Ready to see a monster dinosaur?"

And the wall of water rose, tumbling down towards us dousing every inch of this human colony that watched in bewilderment. And for the first time I'd seen all day, Zach genuinely smiled at his little brother. Drenched in water, drops momentarily blinding us a perfect white smile spread across all of our faces us the seats sunk beneath the arena.


Forcing my hands into fists, the pain has long become bearable. Anger bubbling hot within my veins, a fiery blaze of frustration caught alight deep with inside. This contagious anger begun to burn away at my patience, fuelling my desire to harshly connect my fist with his selfish face.

Have you been here before? What kind of jerk has a pick up line like that, come on seriously? I sound jealous but frankly I'm just annoyed at how he went from grumpy- I- just -broke- up- with- girlfriend to oh- have- you-been- here- before- pretty- girls in a few hours. Now just listening to how he's treating Grey, I'm this close to.....

Only the sound of people's excited murmurs fill the carriage as it carries us high above the treetops, Grey's small sniffles sounds softly behind my ears against the noise in here. Glancing over my shoulder Grey stares out the glass with his puffy red eyes and flushed wet cheeks, did I now finally take my chance to get to Zach.

Leaning over the back of my chair to be eye level to him, my arms crossed against the frame just under my chest. "Oi.." I hushed at him, to my surprise his attention now glued on his phone.

Slapping his knee his brown eyes finally met mine, peeling the headphones off his big head.

"What was that for?" He frowned.

"Listen to me okay? You need to get you head out of your ass and stop being an absolute jerk...I've known you for what, 2-3 hours? And I could honestly belt you across the head at this moment."

"So my advice is to A, stop being an jerk." I counted off the tops of my fingers. "B, give a shit about the world other than that stupid phone and pretty girls. And C, give Grey a break."

Zach stared back at me shocked. Shaking his head with at me with a distasteful scowl, Zach rubbed his hands together as he sat further back in chair away from me. Avoiding me completely, I kept my gaze knowing that he could feel it. "Just think about it? I know I've just met you but it's still no reason why you have to be a douche. Just sayin'" Throwing my hands up in the air, I turned to the more pleasant brother taking him into a deep conversation about the Tyrannosaurus rex.

I'm usually the nervous awkward girl, never the one to talk to the guy let alone have a crack at but I guess sometimes certain circumstances brings out the other side of you.


As fascinated as I was with the Tyrannosaurs Rex I couldn't bring myself to watch it devour a live goat before my eyes. Real life blood and guts just isn't my thing. Wading in the opposite direction, I'd left the frantic cluster of people watch the beast, Grey included who was pressed up against the glass in oar.

Over the spine shivering sounds of feasting and voices, Zach's voice managed to travel into earshot. His light conversation didn't last long, ending with words that 'she hasn't been with us' or something like that. My guess it was his mother on the other side of the line.

Hugging the sides of my arms I looked out into the lush forest, its dreamlike beauty masking the true horrors that could lie beyond the safety of the glass.

Sensing a lingering figure behind, the faint reflection of a dark headed guy obscured my view. He pressed closer in silence, side by side now.

"I've thought about what you said...." He said looking out, waiting for a reply which I didn't give. He turned to face me, "I'll try to be a 'better brother'..." I watched from the corner of my eye as he bunny eared his words, a smile begun to creep upon my lips.

"So you've finally coming back out to where the sun does shine, hey?" I beamed, shaking my head jokingly earning a smirk in return. Walking back over to the crowd who had dispersed from the feeding zone, grey peeled from the glass and strolled towards us.

"You're really something else, aren't you Aubrey...." Zach questioned, his tone almost sounding if he was really asking himself. "Actually what even is your last name?"

"Won't find another like me..." I shook Grey's shoulder playfully. "And that's classified information young stir but you can call me Bree if ya's want...." I smiled at the boy who in return frowned at me with the 'really' look sprawled across his face. 

"Sooo where to next?"

~~ So ah yeah, chapter 3.. ~~ 

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