Broken Endings

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Sleep seemed to be distant memory from a faraway time, where things were happy back at home, my parents smiled down at me with the love that was unconditional and life was normal. The sun rose, then the moon would light up the dark skies. The day's just seemed to just disappear.

The last 10 hours seemed longer then my whole life had been.

Rolling off the mattress of restlessness, my cheeks were no longer wet and my nose no longer ran. I haven't cried since this morning. Not once. My feet shuffling soundlessly from the quarters I was assigned to with the Mitchell's and Owen, the cooling air of the setting sun hit my feverish skin.

Wondering away from the family (plus Owen) that at this stage I had no idea would become some of the most important aspects of my life, I just had to get away from the consistent reminders of what I didn't have. Family.

The most important people of my life. The ones that rose me, believed in me, taught me how to be the best person that I can possibly be. Loved me unconditionally.

Suddenly my feet stopped. I couldn't control it. Only rounding the back of the quarters hidden from view, I no longer had the capacity to function. I stared. Same spot. Same thoughts.

My fault. My fault. My fault


Standing awkwardly, barefooted and shaggy bed headed the slightly bruised boy held a grey jumper loosely staring at me intently. His eyes seeming darker against his pale face, Zach slowly closing  the distance between us. He stopped as I backed away.

"I want to be alone Zach." I said quite harshly, his face sinking sadder. Still he stepped closer despite my obvious intentions. "I said I want to be alone!"

"No you don't." He replied simply.

"Yes I do. I don't need anyone. I'm not some weak little girl, I don't need everyone's pity!" Anger bubbled from my throat.

"Aubrey..." He pressed

"No. Don't you understand Zach? Just go away!" Tears welled, threatening to spill.

"Do you see me going anywhere?" He questioned softly, inching ever so slightly forward.

"I SAID..."

"I know what you said Bree, loud and clear but the thing is you can't do this all on your own. I don't care what you tell me, I'm not leaving!" He shouted back to my surprise with pure determination.

Breathing heavily, tears seeped from my eyes. Silent scream escaped my lips, the full crippling ache of my heart exploding from inside. "They're gone..." A mumble trembled from my split lips. Memories flashed before my eyes, a cry exploding from within me.

Legs giving way, pain radiated through my rattling bones as the ground became my landing, crashing into the dirt I fell. "Gone." I wailed. Instantly the warm embrace cradled my emotional mess. "It's all my fault. My fault!" I wailed.

Zach's grip held me so tightly as if he were to let go, he'd lose me forever. His shirt gripped between my dirty hands, my tears soon soaked his shoulder as the cries and sobs grew louder by the minuet. Bottled from in from the beginning, the more I cried the worse I felt.

"I can't be crying! I can't!" I cried despite the guilt that poured from me. "They've always told me to be brave. And...and I'm sitting here being pathetic! I'm failing them already Zach."

In return his soft pink lips pressed against my forehead. His hand shaky tangled through my mattered hair, he impossibly pulled me closer to his chest, feeling his heart hammer against my own.  "It's okay not to be always brave, you know? Sometimes you need to let your walls down, just for a while. After all, you are human. You are allowed to be scared, you can cry and scream out in anger." He said so softly, pressed against my face.

"And in that time you can have someone else to be brave for you, to hold your world from crumbling down. Let someone take care of you because you're really something else Aubrey, and we can't lose that."

Zacks p.o.v

I can't lose that.

I think I'm beginning to fall for you Aubrey.

......Beginning to fall in love with you.


There as the sun would later set, the night grew colder and the stars would soon begin to twinkle the two teenagers embraced. A broken girl who no longer felt as though she could love anyone as the way she loved her parents. And a boy who had never once felt the beating of a heart quite so as he did now. For now Aubrey was too upset to feel for Zach the way he had begun to feel for her and he knew that.

Although some might argue it isn't love, this was only the begging. And until the day that Aubrey realises that she too feels the same way, to the moment were the touch of Zach sends her heart racing, the two teenagers embracing in the setting sun will be no more than best friends. To think this all started from entering the impossible of Jurassic world, a terror filled time bought these two together.

And against the flutter in the boy's heart, he knows it will be a while for the broken girl to be herself. And in that time he will keep his promise, keep the walls from crumbling down.

He will be brave.

~~ Annddd its been a very long time since I updated this last part. Life's been pretty hectic lately and I haven't had the time but at last,  here it is. My first story ever written and completed.  I hope that those of you that did read this or got this far, did some-what enjoy what I've written. I do plan on other stories that I hope to improve on in many ways. So until next time, thanks for reading ~~  

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